Another Movie Addict's posts
Posted in Where are my furries at?
Posted 5 years ago
@Bioshock: She was. We're making sure she doesn't pull that again this year.
Posted in Oldest Movie You've Ever Seen
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: The Kid?
The child from that film went on to be Uncle Fester in the Addams Family tv series.
Posted in Where are my furries at?
Posted 5 years ago
@Bioshock: The only one I've been to is Megaplex and I would totally recommend going to that convention. The panels are a lot of fun, and seeing all the suiters is magic.
My friend forgot her fan last year at a convention called FreeCon that's in our local area. She was in full suit too. After she'd been suiting for some time, she started to get heat sickness. We had to rush her to the operations room at the convention. To get her out of her suit as quickly as we could. Once we'd finished that task she basically passed out cold for about an hour or two. The whole time I babysat her so no one would fuck with her. She scared the crap out of all of us.
Posted in Where are my furries at?
Posted 5 years ago
@Bioshock: Furry conventions are an absolute blast to go to. Though I've only been to the same one twice. I do go to a lot of suiting events outside of that though. I don't have a suit of my own, but maybe some day I'll have a partial. Florida is just too hot for a full suit.
Posted in Where are my furries at?
Posted 5 years ago
Why hello there my fellow furry!
Joining the furry community has actually been the best thing I could've ever done to be honest. Ever since joining my area's local group, I've made leaps and bounds towards helping my social anxiety.
I do have a fursona named Movie, who is an orange tabby cat with flaming red hair and cute little devil horns. She also has big pink heart on her chest. Though I've been using my D&D character Uni a bit more than Movie. Uni is a Tabaxi which are cat people.
Posted in What was the last movie you saw?
Posted 5 years ago
Disney's Robin Hood, which still holds up. <3
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: Hell and Back is on Netflix right now. That's where I watched it. Banana Splitz though is for rent on Youtube.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: Banana Splitz is a movie based on the old 70s puppet show of the same name. It was originally made for children. But the movie decided to go with making it a horror film. The company was going to make a live action Five Nights at Freddie's. Then they lost the filming rights, and couldn't do it. So they went with Banana Splitz instead. It was a weird movie, and absolutely hilarious.
Hell and Back is just, I have no words for that movie. It's two dudes going to Hell to save their friend that they got cursed. Such a strange movie, and the music isn't half bad. Lmao it even has the guy who voices Archer from Archer.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
Hell and Back was also a lot of fun to watch. Lol I had to force my friends to watch it with me. It's a claymation film.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: >w> uh, I have a few of those. They used to be a lot of Hallmark movies, so much trash but I loved them. Nowadays I lean towards terrible horror films like Banana Splitz. So much fake, obviously plastic gore. I also really like Lemonade Mouth from Disney Channel.
My biggest guilty pleasure is Blade Trinity. Like I know a lot of people really hate that movie. But I just adore Ryan Reynolds performance in that movie.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: My favorites tend to change so often that I don't really have set favorites.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: Sure thing.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: Oh the history of Royalty is absolutely a fun thing to learn about. History is really not that boring. >w> I went on a documentary binge a few times.
Posted in Movies I'm Up On
Posted 5 years ago
@Colan: There's debate on if it's real. There are four different books claiming to be the real one. But there's no proof of it.
Also King Richard the Lion Heart was a massive piece of crap. He was never a good king. Like he tried to sell London. He never wanted England or thought of himself as English. As far as he was concerned he was French.
John was a terrible prince and a terrible king. Like killing his own nephew to keep the crown.