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Posted in Nanowrimo Posted 7 years ago
I've attempted NaNoWriMo and its camps almost every year since the beginning of high school. I never got beyond day four of writing though, and certainly never met my word goals. For me, it's just a fun excuse to be writing and plotting stories and making characters. But I rarely commit to it.
Posted in Warframe Posted 7 years ago
I've played Warframe on and off for a few months. I think it's a really cool and dynamic game and I'd love to play it more. Alas, I kind of suck at these games in general.
Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize! Posted 7 years ago
POPS IN because the question/topic caught my interest. I love superhero settings and making superpowered original characters but for myself it's harder to pick a set of powers I'd rather have. I have a ghost theme going on in my online presence so I guess logically my powers would be ghost physiology! though i'd love to do illusions or creation or something elemental.'s hard to answer this. XD
G'night Panda!!
@Raxton: It's relatable. XD Even though I'm only 20. I have problems with processing energy though so that might explain my constant tiredness.
Aaa thank you! ;w;
It's not as great as what i had hoped to be by this stage but I remind myself that younger me would die of amazement at my improvement lol.
A friend and a fiend...
I'm starting to feel burnout even though I haven't done much. Maybe it's from running around the city earlier today. :P
I'm a lil busy with life but i'm still open. -winks-
[...] and from rain. Correction made on 10/23: And from Para's hands. :U
Coffee is now a nonrenewable resource!! Comes only at corner stores and from rain.
He doesn't want to rain down coffee though. Because we've been naughty and don't deserve it. XD
Santa rains down millions of frogs on this thread.
...that's gotta be the most random thing I've said far. >D
@Paranoia: Santa's got his eyes on you two -insert an eye emoji- is the closest thing lmao.

@Panda: How'd you know it was moving back? Hehe. And it was because of my dad's business. He got a promotion something and dragged us all back.
@Paranoia: Gonna need an [M] tag with all this biting XD
@Panda: I used to live there!! :D