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aries they/them

aries's Avatar

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hellu, i'm aries!

i'm twentyfour years old,
i'm agender, and pansexual,
i live on a small busy island,
i fuel off of video games,
i enjoy my cats company,
i listen to music always,
i'm pretty boring, honestly.

if i disappear, or stop answering,
please don't take it personally,
i am sorry, trust me..

if you need my attention,
feel free to (@) mention me.


  • Dowan Dowan (7 years ago)

    ahhhhhhHHHHHH!!! These are so good LOL

  • Dowan Dowan (7 years ago)

    I love your profile video. I watch it daily.

  • gloomy gloomy (7 years ago)


  • Shiro Shiro (7 years ago)
