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Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago
Infinity wars? ouo; /still hasn’t seen it.. dunno if we’ll get around to it../
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
93 mushrooms
Posted in End of Event Hangout~ Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Cipher: Wow that’s a super detailed one! Thank you :D I’ve heard of Eva foam but I’ll have to look around and see if I can find it around here. ^_^
Posted in What are you playing?! Posted 6 years ago
Currently can’t pull myself away from Night in the Woods. Ouo;
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
@Mica: Omg it was amazing, yes. I miss that place..
Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: Yas I did :3
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
I miss counted earlier.
Posted in My neck refuses to crack Posted 6 years ago
@Glume: I giggled when I read this xP

Could also say “have you tried turning it off and back on again?”
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago