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Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Cipher: I feel like someone warned me about this.. Denebola.. or something. /shrugs/ What do you need a hand with? /suspicious
Posted in End of Event Hangout~ Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Cipher: Until the 21st I think.
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Weasley: /carries dragon out/ this one? ouo
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Yeah.. true.. they should be shinier..
Posted in Different Websites Posted 6 years ago
I’m usually lurking on Reddit.. but other than that I don’t really go anywhere else. Discord, FB and the like I suppose would count too though.. LOL
Posted in I need more shrooms Posted 6 years ago
Shrooms are always needed ;3; /scrounges
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago
ouo; yeah of course. /wanders in
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Maybe it’s just a Niffler.
Posted in cheshire shark Posted 6 years ago
/sneaks in/ Shark- your avatar is adorable ;3;
Posted in Neon Junkyard [more rats than ever] Posted 6 years ago
/rolls in and cuddles with the rats/ ouo
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Nargles is probably the correct reason. At least it’s not because of an Obscurus..
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: okie XD. They don’t always show up for me p: like this one just now didn’t show up on my notifications
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago
Oh yum. ouo;
Well.. there’s always the girl’s bathroom..