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Posted in Wah. It's raining. Posted 5 years ago
I used to wear so many layers of wool long johns when I bike commuted, and I had multiple pairs of gloves so I'd have a dry pair if the ones I'd worn previously hadn't dried yet. My least favorite part was how cold my face got when it rained really hard

I'm glad you didn't get rained on during your ride home!

One of the tricks for biking in snow is to reduce the air pressure in your tires so there is more surface area to grip the ground. But you still gotta be careful until you're used to the new road conditions.
Posted in Chinese traditional music Posted 5 years ago
I love that group of performers! AI did a good job recommending music.
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: I'll grow spinach if I have the seeds because I love spinach, but I'm thinking endive, chicory, arugula, sorrel, radishes, salad burnet, dill, basil, edible flowers like nasturtiums, borage, violets, etc.
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: I am so excited for spring, and I want to plant all kind of herbs and salad greens. I keep meaning to eat more salad, but I find lettuce really boring, and I like 'fancy' and 'weird' greens, so I figured I should grow some more again. Hopefully my seeds aren't too old to germinate *fingers crossed*

@eerie: I love loose leaf tea and I also have match and herbal teas at home. Not a huge collection, because I don't like having too many choices - it's hard to decide. I just finished up one of the teas today, so I'll probably go buy another of my favorite styles.
I only drink coffee occasionally, but I prefer matcha or tea

@Kairu: Soup sounds so delicious right now!
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: I don't mind not getting snow, because it's harder to bike in the snow than in rain. But I am looking forward to summer and sunny skies
Posted in wow just won 100 ohms on the dialy airship :o Posted 5 years ago
Wow, I also didn't realize that you could win ohms. I got another alphaca the other day which was a surprise, because usually I get items from the current wave, or volts.

@KDA Drew: I hope they can be recycled, too. I'm guessing that they'll eventually release recycles for them
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: I also love matcha I think I'm going to go make some tea right now

@Unicorn: Its been rainy for weeks here, and it tried to snow a few times, but the snow melted almost immediately.
Posted in Dream Job Posted 5 years ago
Awesome! Congrats! It's great to have a job you're excited about and that lets you do something you love.
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
I met up with a friend and some strangers today because we all collect ball jointed dolls. I'm good at staying home with the cat, so I have to commit to seeing people or I never leave the house.

I biked to the cafe we met at, and now my legs are angry with me that I haven't biked in ages, so I guess I should start biking more again...but I'd rather just take photos of my cat while he's napping, lol. When it's less stormy all the time I'll bike around more

@eerie: You really should, yuzu is delicious!
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: I hope so too. They're so good!
Posted in My computer is back Posted 5 years ago
Congrats! Have fun with your renewed computer!
If you're still in public school, you can go to the nurse's office or someone you trust and tell them that you're having trouble in life because you're anxious and you'd like some help. They might be able to get you a diagnosis. The important thing is that if it's causing a problem in more than one area of your life, like school, home, social, etc, then it's probably something they can diagnose and help you manage.

If you're in college, you should be able to get help at the health center, though if you're on your parent's health insurance and not the school's, they may limit the amount of care they can provide for mental health. They should still be able to refer you, though.

Also, I can understand being upset at your dad's response. It sounds like he was telling you that you're weak, even if that's not what he meant. Anxiety doesn't make you weak, though, and it is certainly something you can manage and learn to reduce its impact on your life over time.
Posted in I just want restful sleep Posted 5 years ago
I hope it all works out. I have trouble with sleep, and always have since I was a kid, but I generally attribute it to ADHD and my inability to switch off at night

I've tried various things over the years with sporadic and fleeting success, but I'm pretty sure if I could figure out how to reliably get my brain to stop paying attention to everything around me at night, it would sort itself out. I know exercise during the day helps me go to sleep later, and lots of small habits like that. Keeping a balanced and healthy physical and mental life goes a long way toward making my sleep restful, but I've been struggling with that for a while, so I'm just trying to get back into some better habits.
Posted in Cute and Creepy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
I ate the last of some yuzu gummy candies I was given on wednesday, and now I miss them. The candies, I mean.