Athabm's posts
Posted in Jigsaw Puzzle Not Rewarding Currency
Posted 5 years ago
It's fixed now, so thank you if that was you!
And if not....well now you don't have to figure out what's up.
And if not....well now you don't have to figure out what's up.

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: What PhD are you working on? You really do have a lot going on it sounds like, but seeing friends is super important.

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Sounds like you did a lot, too!
I always have a ton of projects, since I just like making things, but finishing them is really nice
I always have a ton of projects, since I just like making things, but finishing them is really nice

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: I finished two of them - making some paper flowers from a kit, and brushing out yarn to separate it into fibers for doll hair, but now I'm not working on the third project

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Hooray for the bf!

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah, I've run into situations where nothing seemed to work and it was so irritating, because I kept trying

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Is google not being helpful for finding answers, either?

Is google not being helpful for finding answers, either?

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
@Siron: They're so cute! They remind me of when people wear the same outfit, but in a different color to match their best friend, since they both have white bellies and chins

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
I do enjoy archaeology, too, but I don't have any sort of expertise in that area. One of my fave shows is Time Team, though, and I would love if they rebooted it
And I actually did stumble into my History degree at first. I was originally an Asian Studies major, then took a break from school, worked for several years, moved to a new city, decided it was time to finish my degree, and thought maybe I would switch to Chinese, since the school I was transferring to didn't have Asian Studies as a major, only a minor. However, I was really rusty on my Chinese, and the professor who represents that department suggested I look into a History degree since I didn't really want to go abroad to do immersive language study only to come back to the US to finish my degree. I wanted to finish and then go abroad for several years. It turned out to be the best advice I've gotten, since I never had considered the field before, and associated it with old white guys who reminisce about wars all the time. Thankfully the department at my school was very very far from that stereotype, and I fell in love with the process and discipline of doing history.
And I actually did stumble into my History degree at first. I was originally an Asian Studies major, then took a break from school, worked for several years, moved to a new city, decided it was time to finish my degree, and thought maybe I would switch to Chinese, since the school I was transferring to didn't have Asian Studies as a major, only a minor. However, I was really rusty on my Chinese, and the professor who represents that department suggested I look into a History degree since I didn't really want to go abroad to do immersive language study only to come back to the US to finish my degree. I wanted to finish and then go abroad for several years. It turned out to be the best advice I've gotten, since I never had considered the field before, and associated it with old white guys who reminisce about wars all the time. Thankfully the department at my school was very very far from that stereotype, and I fell in love with the process and discipline of doing history.

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@Siron: I like to read scholarly articles when I have access to them, and this one was published open access, and its well written, so its very exciting, considering I have enough background from studying Soviet history to put it into context. I majored in History, and my particular areas of interest are environmental history (especially the interplay of culture and ecology), East and South East Asia (I took Russian and Soviet history to count toward my European/western history requirement), and how people deal with environmental change, or evidence of environmental change. Eventually I plan to go to grad school....but I became ill as I was finishing my undergrad degree, and since graduating I've been trying to recover, and figure out what the heck is making me ill.
The book I'm waiting on is a plastic canvas embroidery book from the 1990s, because it has a cute model house pattern that I want to stitch up for my calico critter rabbits, because I'm a nerd, lol
The book I'm waiting on is a plastic canvas embroidery book from the 1990s, because it has a cute model house pattern that I want to stitch up for my calico critter rabbits, because I'm a nerd, lol

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
Yesss, share your cat photos!

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@Siron: oooh, a package sounds fun! I'm waiting on some things, and hoping a book I ordered will arrive this week.
I'm thinking about going to bed soon....but might stay up a bit longer to read an interesting article about mammoth fossils and how they've been interpreted by various people - those who lived near them, those who studied and classified them, etc.
I'm thinking about going to bed soon....but might stay up a bit longer to read an interesting article about mammoth fossils and how they've been interpreted by various people - those who lived near them, those who studied and classified them, etc.

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@koneko: I don't know enough about Windows to help you, but hand copying would be my solution in that case, too