Athabm's posts
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I'm excited that we're getting so close!

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
@ladykazumi: a rubber ring would be nice for a lot of jobs where jewelry is a hazard. My dad had to stop wearing his wedding ring because of the risk of it getting caught on his equipment and losing his finger or hand. He also had to shave his beard so that his SCABA gear (breathing aparatus for going into enclosed spaces that might be filled with gases rising from the earth) fits snugly

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I mostly stopped wearing jewelry when I was in line school (power lines) years ago, because it was an electrical hazard to wear metals, and even though I had plastic gauges, I didn't want to be hassled about it.

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: I also do the puzzles that give you 100 candy canes most of the time, since it's the best reward/difficulty combo
@koneko: It's a much slower story than a lot of animated shows. If you read comics/graphic novels, there are books of her adventures you might prefer
There's also the new Moomin Valley show, which is really pretty, but the characterizations are harsher than the original story, and it bugs me, but not enough to make me stop watching it
@koneko: It's a much slower story than a lot of animated shows. If you read comics/graphic novels, there are books of her adventures you might prefer
There's also the new Moomin Valley show, which is really pretty, but the characterizations are harsher than the original story, and it bugs me, but not enough to make me stop watching it

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I've watched some of Bojack but yeah, I find parts of it hard to watch because of how brutal the story is.
There's also some great all ages animated stuff lately. Have you seen Hilda and the Troll? I'm impatient for the second season.
There's also some great all ages animated stuff lately. Have you seen Hilda and the Troll? I'm impatient for the second season.

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I'm sad about that, too. I love animated shows for adults, and that one was especially relevant

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: Yeah, the hardest puzzle takes forever, which is why I only did it now.
I was thinking of waiting until the second season was out, it just depends on how much I want to watch SW Resistance and the Mandalorian, and how much I can wait. I'll probably wait, since there are other shows I can catch up on in the meantime. My friend wants me to finish Tuca and Bertie so she can talk about it with me
I was thinking of waiting until the second season was out, it just depends on how much I want to watch SW Resistance and the Mandalorian, and how much I can wait. I'll probably wait, since there are other shows I can catch up on in the meantime. My friend wants me to finish Tuca and Bertie so she can talk about it with me

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I found that the smaller the pieces here, the farther you can have them from where they belong, and they will still leap into their spot

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I decided I was gonna try doing the hardest mode of the puzzles, just to switch it up, but I think I need to take a break and finish it later

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I need to do the trial of Disney+ and binge the Mandalorian. I just felt like I needed to complete Rebels first, since I'd been putting it off since I saw the first episode of season four at Celebration and found out that was the last season. I was expecting them to do five seasons, because of something the show runners had said a year earlier, and wasn't ready for season four to be the last one.

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: Perfect time to finish watching Clone Wars, since the final season is gonna be released this year, I think. I want to do a rewatch, maybe buy the DVDs so I can get the commentaries, etc.
I just really love the episodes about the clones and their brotherhood. And Plo Koon
I just really love the episodes about the clones and their brotherhood. And Plo Koon

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
Okay, yes, it's the one that came out after Clone Wars. Did you hear that they're finally finishing up season 7? I thought it would never happen. I watched the story reels they'd recorded and rigged, but never did the final render for, because they used to have them on the star wars website. They took them down though, when they announced they were finishing the series last year.

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
And, yeah, SW Rebels was new, but it ended two? years ago. The newest animated show is called SW Resistance, and I haven't watched it yet. Some people don't like the anime inspired art style, but I honestly don't care, as long as the story is good, and it looks pretty good from what I've read of the teasers

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
@Shadami: I've seen the first three movies of Hunger Games, since my friend is a big fan. I don't really have any strong feelings about the story, myself