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@concentricity: I don't think anyone does, honestly. lol
@unicorn: Sorry to hear that.
I haven't been sleeping well these past few days.
I'm grumpy as all hell.
@luffer nutter: Yeah... I think I woke up like 3 times in the night.
-waves back- Hey it's totally fine.
Real life comes first. :)
Ah man, that sucks. xD
Last night's nightmare was everyone was dying.
People I don't even know, just falling on the ground and dying all creepy like.
To be honest, I very rarely get nightmares.
It's fine Luffer. I might vanish soon anyway. -yawns- I hope you're having a good day.
Let's just hope I don't get nightmares again. hahah
Well it's only 4pm here. Too early to sleep. I usually sleep at 10pm. Maybe tonight I'll sleep earlier depending on how tired I am though but I was dozing off in the car. lol
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
"It's just surprising is all. I'm glad you want to help though dear, that's very nice of you." The queen said before going back to eating. Lyle couldn't deny that it was even surprising to him. Work wasn't something he ever looked forward to but he knew it was something he'd have to get used to eventually. He wondered how many more days of classes Aria would have after this one. Not that it mattered, he'd be too busy now anyway but he was still curious.
I just want to get some sleep. I haven't gotten much sleep these weekend. Freakin' sucks. I have Monster so hopefully that will wake me up.
@lithinel: I had a busy day today doing things to get ready for school. I dind't get much sleep, I'm exhausted. I just hopped on to chat for a bit but I'll probably leave again later and play games instead. -yawns-
@lithinel: -waves- Hello, hello! What's up?