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@vengeance: Ohh okay. Cool! I haven't played that in a few days. I should though, I want to know what gender the baby's going to be. ; n ; (Watch it be another girl. Ugh)
@ina: Sounds fun! I was going to play Pokemon White...but it's been soooo long since I last played that I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
@vengeance: Oooh that sounds interesting. What do you need to get done first though?
@ina: I'm pretty good, just thought I'd do some chatting. Or well...try to anyway. lol How are you?
@vengeance: I'm pretty good, just finished watching Silent Hill the movie. Decided to try and chat today, might draw later...or color.
How are you?
Good afternoon you guys.
I'm gonna try to sleep now though. Night.
Well it isn't impossible but I don't think it will be easy. Like, you guys will have to post like crazy to get there.
17 days? Hmmm, doesn't sound too tough. Goodluck you guys.
I left to tell my mom something. I'm back now though...kinda.
I think Fozzy said they'd try to make it easier to trade no?
-sips monster- Mmm, yummy.
Sometimes when I burp, I hiccup at the same time.
I'm gonna stop burping now. I don't want my mom walking in on me and yelling.
GHAHAHAHAHA I'd be totes proud of my kid
even post it on instagram

RIGHT?! But noooo my mom was like: You're fucking nasty! Stop that!
I did burp the alphabet once. That was fun. My mom got so mad at me though.
@panda: I can burp on demand. lmao