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@superbearwars: I understand. I used to forget too but after a week it became a routine for me.
@Boss Rimi: Ugh I feel you there. I'm constantly snacking... and I'm supposed to have rubber bands in for braces but it's like... THEN HOW DO I EAT???

Easy, you take them off to eat. Then you put them back on when you're done. So I take them off when I eat and then I put them back on before bed after I brush my teeth. :)
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
"I'm fine." Lyle replied, his eyes on the darkening sky. The moon was still not out, but a few stars started to appear which was nice. He stared at one star in particular, the north star. It was the only star he knew by name. He had wanted to learn more about the stars but there was never enough time for that. "Did you have a good dinner?" he asked.
I always need to eat. Always.
I just finished eating and now I want to eat again. -sigh-
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
Lyle was in his room looking out his window at the quieting world outside. Nighttime was always his favorite time because everything was just still and silent. He could finally get some peace and quiet from the busy day. Looking at the sky, he noticed that the moon was still not out, but it wouldn't be long until it was. " lovely." he whispered to himself and crossed his arms across his chest, just enjoying the peace and quiet.
-waves at everyone-
Don't you just love it when your laptop decides to restart just as you post?
Hello people who are here.
@panda: Goodnight, and I hope things work out for you. -hugs-
I think Imma go to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow and I want to wake up early and shower fast so that I can watch Supernatural before my appointment.
N-not that I'm like obsessed or anything. It's like whatever. lol
@panda: That wouldn't be fair though. lol
@panda: B-but then I won't be a baller! D:
@panda: Ehh it's not much but it's more than what I had. hehe
Woot! I'm back to 31k!