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@kimmichan1989: Ehh it's like whatever. It's just a person, nothing special.
@kimmichan1989: Till nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm just keeping track of the days I haven't talked to someone.
> n <
No need to snuggle with me. I'll be fine.
-checks skype- Nine days and counting.
-feels like a third wheel-
That's cute you guys. lol
Ummm, I don't think so. Well I'm the one slacking that's for sure.
We're slacking? What?
Well I kinda had no choice. -sigh-
I go help my dad put things up in the attic and I come back to 82 replies. x . x
Dragon: Nope, I can't handle any bug. I'm a wimp. lol
Pixie: They have so many things to look through. So many contest entries.

Also, drawing a mandala for my penpal so yeahh I'm sorry if I vanish.
Pixie: Ohh I see.
I agree with Mdom, the staff is probably super busy right now.

Oh gosh dragon, I would be hella scared right now if I were you.
I hate bugs.
I guess it's getting late since it's 6pm here right now.
Oh? Was there supposed to be an update today?
It seemed to slow down a bit now though.
Wow, you guys post super fast!
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
The king looked at Lyle then at Aria before looking at Lyle again. "Of course we're still on for that drink Lyle. As long as it's not an inconvenience to your plans." he commented, meaning the book reading his son and Aria had planned. "It's fine father. Aria and I can read after. Besides, I'd like to talk to you about something." Lyle replied honestly. His mother looked at her son then smiled, guessing she had an idea of what it was he wanted to talk about. "Aria dear, so you got yourself a fox I hear." she commented.