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Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
@unicorn: Awe that's really sweet of you! I'm sure they appreciate it.
Well I said maybe, so we'll see.
-busts out some paper and a pencil- :vanora_xd:
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
I don't know if I even have a ticket to the raffle but ehh it doesn't matter.
I'm just chatting to rack up volts and probably buy some clothes for my first ever birthday avi on here. ; u ;
Maybe someday I'll draw headshots of the NPCs.
Maybe, you know just as practice. :vanora_sweat:
D'aww stick figure group art. Adorbs.
I'd love to give this a shot but I honestly am not good with drawing people or actions yet. D:
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: Yea he is, obviously. His job was a tough one.
@unicorn: Hey there! The event goes very good. I'm really liking this event. Honestly. ^^
@panda: Go to sleep?
Lmao, Art type things. Good one! xD
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: Yeah right after I posted I realized 'They and I' sounds better. lol
Thanks. I just need to find a good ref photo. All I find is archangel Michael though which is totes understandable.
Heya Panda!
@unicorn: The rules are in the first page. :)
You have to: The aim of this contest is to depict Vanora and/or the other shopkeeper NPCs celebrating the fall season.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
@chai: They ARE! Mine cost around $180? Can't remember but yeah, very pricey.
My Tattoo was of my Teddy Bear. They say your tattoo should be of something that means a lot to you. So it was pretty easy to come up with the tattoo I wanted. The teddy Bear is the one I've had since I was born. It was a gift from my cardiologist. <3
Oooh a septum! My sister has one!
She said that it actually doesn't hurt that much.
I can understand where you're coming from though, I'd be scared too. lol

@dragoness129: I'm wanting a tattoo of the archangel Raphael.
Them and I (is that proper grammar?) have a close bond I feel like.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: Right? I'm so excited. I just need to find a good ref photo to take with me.
I also need a ton of money. Like a TON.
I read the rules carefully and yeah I can't. I can't draw people so I'm out. hehe
@kjemi: Don't worry, I'm rather lost too. heheh
It's 5am where you live, shouldn't you be sleeping? :o