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What are you allergic to? :vanora_glasses:
At least you don't have a headache and want to punch everyone.
I have a freakin' headache. Making me even more irritable than I normally am.
I'm trying to fall to sleep and I can't.
Yeah. I'm exhausted.
-turns on some music- :vanora_tired:
I'm tired too. - _ -
I've been out of the freakin' house since 8am!
I just got home a few minutes ago.
@panda: Yeah it sucks but it's like whatever too. -shrugs-
I feel bad asking for anything. The staff is already hard at work with stuff and they have lives.
People just need to be patient and if people are bored then they just need new hobbies to keep them occupied no? :vanora_sweat:
Well I've been gone all day so I wouldn't know. D:
I returned to like 15 replies. lol
You guys type so fast. I left to chat with my little brother.
@unicorn: I'm okay I guess. Just decided to hop on for a bit before bed.
Writing a letter and listening to a video. You?
-slides inside- Hey...
Alright, laters guys! :vanora_sun: