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@neko: Hey! Good to see you to! What's up?

@reanna: Hey~ I'm glad you're doing fine! I'm doing well, trying to motivate. LOL

@rainbowpanda: I'm glad you're doing well! But trying to do some art. Haha
Hey guys! How's it going?
Posted in - Posted 7 years ago
Haha seems like fun 4
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Aww!!! that's adorable, thankfully he's warm. LOL But sheesh I'm sorry about that! We have the opposite problem, it gets so hot in the summer that we are miserable because we have bad window air conditioners. But wood stoves don't cut it. At least you can sit near it. ;u;
Oo! i'm so glad though! You can do it! I belieeeeeeeeve!
Hahaha well I'm sure it'll turn out great!
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Oh man I know! Same here, BUT, I'm actually sleeping better because of it, so I'm thankful? But joint pains are also not good. LOL
I have no idea. LOLOL I just use shapes. LOL Like trapezoids... Tons of trapezoids. LOL
Ooo that's smart, plus it's a cool trait anyways. It's hard to draw, but fun nonetheless.
OhohohoI'm sure that's easier to draw then.
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Hahaha it's a good thing to have from time to time, especially when it gets colder out!
RIGHT It's like everyone says "Try to make your drawings curve to be more dynamic!!!" But when it comes to guys, how. LOL
AHHH alright. That's kind of cute though? I'm sure it'll turn out beautifully. HAHA I'm sure her man will come out great as well.
Posted in Inktober themes Posted 7 years ago
@dreamer676: Hey, at least you're liking the inking and sketching part! But I'm sorry, I know how it is when it falls flat after inking. I'm sure the dip pen will help a lot. So you're finishing the pieces, rather than just doing inking?
Posted in Show off your art! Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Exactly!!!! I mean, sheesh, I know some people think art doesn't take long but when you have art friends, and you talk to them about the piece they're working on, it can takes days, and I think it's inspiring.
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@anarchist beauty: Exactly! But I'm sure once you get the hang of it you'll feel better about your art.

@ravaen: It is yummy!
Aren't they? Idk I find the curviness of women makes them easier to draw. But sheesh tentacle hair? LOL That's so difficult. Is it on the longe side? if so I find it easier to draw than shorter tentacle hair.

@sasha: Hahaha thank you! I wanted to do that with the sketch so that if I messed up, I knew where everything was placed, but when I line I think i'm going to do it then too! But thank you! I'm EXTREMELY flattered you think so! She's one of my idols. LOL You're the second person to have told me that this year.
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: You're welcome~
Aww yeah that's so understandable. But you know, what goes around comes around, and karma is going to bite them in the ass. LOL At least that's what I believe. But aww well I'm glad you'll have fun~ But oof male characters are tricky for me as well. I'm sure it'll turn out great though!
Haha yeah! Right now I'm going to go help my mom with some dinner, meatloaf I believe. LOL I'll reply to shizzle when I get back!
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@anarchist beauty: Exactly! Everyone has different color palettes, and use different variations of colors, so you are unique!
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 7 years ago
@addy: LOL getting frustrated with the piece? I'm sure it'll turn out great once it's finished.
Posted in Show off your art! Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Awww that's sweet. ;u; But I love to do the same! I feel as i there's something special about friend's art.
Posted in Oops forgot about inktober Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: Best party pooper ever then. XD
But OOO! I'm glad, I know you were sort of stressing about them. But I just got home and my mom wants to do a craft day, but I'm going to try to quickly do some commissions as well. LOL

@anarchist beauty: Right? But I actually think there's a lot of room. Everyone has different techniques, uses different colors and has a different style.