Chai's posts
Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Yeah I can do that! :)
Do you want a lil cheeb (like in my sig) or like a bust? :o
Do you want a lil cheeb (like in my sig) or like a bust? :o

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Sure thing! I’ll post them tomorrow when im off work. :o
What would you like me to draw in return?
What would you like me to draw in return?

Posted in Anyone good at Science?
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: No problem, haha. Glad to help out!
Ohh yes, go to sleep!
Ohh yes, go to sleep!

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: For sure! I'd be down for that! : )

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Ahaa, thank you! :D
I'm gonna have to come buy art from you though...I love it!
I'm gonna have to come buy art from you though...I love it!

Posted in Art Request/Art Trades
Posted 7 years ago
I'll draw your babies more!
I have to finish some things up, though. :O

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Also for you...:D Here's the freebie from forever ago LOL.
:vanora_cry: Hopefully I drew him okay...
:vanora_cry: Hopefully I drew him okay...

Posted in Guess November Crate Items
Posted 7 years ago
All three crates contain me.
Just me. >:O
Just me. >:O

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Thanks. :vanora_sweat: They say I pretty much have the job, but...they've also been pretty flaky on it for a while now that I worry something will ruin it. :x
Hopefully this is okay for that freebie of yours...:'D
Let me know if you want me to change it. :O
Hopefully this is okay for that freebie of yours...:'D
Let me know if you want me to change it. :O

Posted in Anyone good at Science?
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: Yeah, keep what you have. :>
As far as making it sound like carbon is talking, like, in the electronegativity part, probably be like "Scientists use various methods to determine elctronegativity between me and my fellow elements. Talk about the science part of the scales, maybe throw in some "isn't that interesting? it's even better because it's about ME!" and end with the "I measure in at [measurement] in this method."
So like, for the Allen theory, it'd be like "This is the Allen theory summarized. Obviously the most important part about this, though, is that I measure in at 2.54 Pauling Units!"
Your idea of making Carbon sound kinda full of itself is wonderful, since it plays such a huge role on Earth and everything! :D
Hopefully that helps with that question, haha!
As far as making it sound like carbon is talking, like, in the electronegativity part, probably be like "Scientists use various methods to determine elctronegativity between me and my fellow elements. Talk about the science part of the scales, maybe throw in some "isn't that interesting? it's even better because it's about ME!" and end with the "I measure in at [measurement] in this method."
So like, for the Allen theory, it'd be like "This is the Allen theory summarized. Obviously the most important part about this, though, is that I measure in at 2.54 Pauling Units!"
Your idea of making Carbon sound kinda full of itself is wonderful, since it plays such a huge role on Earth and everything! :D
Hopefully that helps with that question, haha!

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you both so much! :vanora_cry: here's to hoping I don't screw anything up though ahaha.
Thank you both so much! :vanora_cry: here's to hoping I don't screw anything up though ahaha.

Posted in Anyone good at Science?
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: Haha, I had to research the different electronegativity stuff...had no clue about any of it honestly LOL.
but hopefully this helps you!
but hopefully this helps you!

Posted in [x]
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: The length of replies doesn't bother me at all, haha. But if they ever get too long for you just don't reply to them, I totally get it! :)
LOL I'm with you there. I had a friend try to teach me how to punch and I popped my elbow and then he put me in a headlock. :vanora_stunned: I hope I never get mugged. YeAH, pin 'em down and then....just stare at them until they get REALLY uncomfortable. or....tickle them?
Bleach in the eyes awful. Did he have to have surgery or anything done to them? My eyes hurt just from thinking about that! (Bleach burns your eyes bad enough just standing near the stuff...but actually IN the eye? No thanks!)
You're still the Glasses Guru by default of having them longer LOL? That's how it works, right?
I don't have much trouble with them sliding down, but the dirty thing definitely. I always grab the glass when I try to adjust them like an animal..
Oooh, interesting! I'll ave to watch some gameplays of it!
Uhh I haven't played Persona. I watch an friend's sister play it for a couple of days but had no idea what was going on (I think it was the 3rd or 4th one? So I was like "yeah!! I totally understand the references and words!!??") It seems like a pretty cool game series, though!
Twitter link LOL you can follow me if you want...I dunno what to post on there really other than art?
Oh Ghost has a twitter?
Pssh, NSFW stuff is totally cool!
If someone I know in person finds me and follows me....I guess I'm not too afraid of it anymore haha. I'd be more worried about someone finding my tumblr though because....reasons.
She's an English Lop!

She's a huge dork, honestly. She likes to terrorize my dogs. :c She'll eat/sit on their dog food and then attack them if they get near her LOL.
I'll probably just get the beanie's starting to get cold anyway LOL. I won't starve. :o I love food to much honestly...:vanora_cry:
Yaaay, I'm glad someone else doesn't like COMP LOL. A lot of the people on my friends list have multiple golden weapons and it's do you deal with all the awful people? Though a couple of them are in the Grandmaster tier. .__. But this one girl I play with is SUPER nice and always so positive when we play,'s pretty cool to know someone so good at the game who isn't a piece of literal garbage AHA.
Hmm, the name sounds familiar but I'm not sure if we've ever played a match together haha. But cool, we definitely should sometime! :D
Do you like any arcade modes? I like the Pharmercy brawl when they have it, and the Total mayhem mode a lot!
LOL I'm with you there. I had a friend try to teach me how to punch and I popped my elbow and then he put me in a headlock. :vanora_stunned: I hope I never get mugged. YeAH, pin 'em down and then....just stare at them until they get REALLY uncomfortable. or....tickle them?
Bleach in the eyes awful. Did he have to have surgery or anything done to them? My eyes hurt just from thinking about that! (Bleach burns your eyes bad enough just standing near the stuff...but actually IN the eye? No thanks!)
You're still the Glasses Guru by default of having them longer LOL? That's how it works, right?
I don't have much trouble with them sliding down, but the dirty thing definitely. I always grab the glass when I try to adjust them like an animal..
Oooh, interesting! I'll ave to watch some gameplays of it!
Uhh I haven't played Persona. I watch an friend's sister play it for a couple of days but had no idea what was going on (I think it was the 3rd or 4th one? So I was like "yeah!! I totally understand the references and words!!??") It seems like a pretty cool game series, though!
Twitter link LOL you can follow me if you want...I dunno what to post on there really other than art?
Oh Ghost has a twitter?
Pssh, NSFW stuff is totally cool!
If someone I know in person finds me and follows me....I guess I'm not too afraid of it anymore haha. I'd be more worried about someone finding my tumblr though because....reasons.
She's an English Lop!

She's a huge dork, honestly. She likes to terrorize my dogs. :c She'll eat/sit on their dog food and then attack them if they get near her LOL.
I'll probably just get the beanie's starting to get cold anyway LOL. I won't starve. :o I love food to much honestly...:vanora_cry:
Yaaay, I'm glad someone else doesn't like COMP LOL. A lot of the people on my friends list have multiple golden weapons and it's do you deal with all the awful people? Though a couple of them are in the Grandmaster tier. .__. But this one girl I play with is SUPER nice and always so positive when we play,'s pretty cool to know someone so good at the game who isn't a piece of literal garbage AHA.
Hmm, the name sounds familiar but I'm not sure if we've ever played a match together haha. But cool, we definitely should sometime! :D
Do you like any arcade modes? I like the Pharmercy brawl when they have it, and the Total mayhem mode a lot!

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
Long day at work, sorry for late responses. :vanora_sweat: On the bright side, I put in my application to become a full-time employee at the place I've been contracted with. Within a couple weeks, I should have alllll their benefits (and a NICE raise $$$$$)
@RainbowPanda: I posted the answers in your thread LOL. Didn't know you had one. :D
Also dang, you're always on top of the ball with Voltra stuff! I feel like you're overworked LOL. Do you need any help with it ever?
You deserve to have free time to do the things you wanna get done!
but you're the best, obviously!
@apollo im burning: Aw, I'm sorry that your sister is upset with you. :( If you ever need someone to vent to about anything, my inbox is open! If you're someone who likes to get things off your chest, at least. :D
@ that art hello there attractive OC why are you so good at art?!
@Ravaen: Oh no! That's awful! What's the disease, if you don't mind me asking?
Dang, wasn't moving somewhere that you didn't know anybody really stressful? O:
If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. :vanora_cry:
@RainbowPanda: I posted the answers in your thread LOL. Didn't know you had one. :D
Also dang, you're always on top of the ball with Voltra stuff! I feel like you're overworked LOL. Do you need any help with it ever?
You deserve to have free time to do the things you wanna get done!

@apollo im burning: Aw, I'm sorry that your sister is upset with you. :( If you ever need someone to vent to about anything, my inbox is open! If you're someone who likes to get things off your chest, at least. :D
@ that art hello there attractive OC why are you so good at art?!
@Ravaen: Oh no! That's awful! What's the disease, if you don't mind me asking?
Dang, wasn't moving somewhere that you didn't know anybody really stressful? O:
If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. :vanora_cry: