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Posted in teabun || open Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Pssh, I can get it done today probably. :D Do you want a bust or a lil cheeb thing like the post art?

@ishoji: Yeah, i think I'll probably remove it. :O Maybe it'd be better in my sig?

@Lithinel: You're fine! i finished your art for the quoting thing. it's messier than i wanted, but hopefully it's alright!
Linky link link
Let me know if I need to fix anything. :D

@Ravaen: I haven't even heard of the CCats. Now I have to look those up.
let's aspire to reach that level of adoptable fame, though! >:O
Posted in teabun || open Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Now I have to do your freebie! >:O
@Ravaen: Yeah, that's what I've seen. I want to make ones as popular as the Bagbeans...those things sell for so much. :vanora_xd: I think I saw one get purchased for over a grand and my heart nearly stopped beating LOL.

@ishoji: I'm glad to hear that, ahah.
And thanks. ;; It's making the test break weird, though. :vanora_sweat:

@Lina: Thank you! :D
Posted in teabun || open Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: I'm crying...I can''s so good :vanora_cry: hajhsasda THANK YOU
@Lithinel: Welcome back! :o Did you get my earlier ping?


@FuuChan: Oh no. D: That sounds like it was a hard thing to go through. :c but glad mints helped!
@okios: Ah, I missed your ping. :c
You're welcome! Thanks for the rad art! /skateboards away :vanora_sun:

your thread needs more love...where are all the people at?!
@FuuChan: Nah, I just keep getting multiple pings then missing them. :D you're fine!

Oh, interesting! I mean, minty stuff is always nice to chew/suck on so, there's no downside to it. :vanora_xd:
And yes, minty fresh breath is ALWAYS bonus. ;D
@Concentricity: The little fabric boxes? Or are you talking about the actual shelf unit?
@FuuChan: SKJJSAD I keep missing these pings. :vanora_xd:
I don't think I've ever had another brand of it before. :o But yeah, it's super delicious!
Sweet! Mints don't help me much with nausea, other than distracting me, i guess? But good that they help you out!
@Concentricity: Oh, that sounds like a huge hassle. :c They need to design a magic cube-thing that will allow you to store all your belongings and choose a layout plan that just automatically unpacks everything into a perfect location for you!
Posted in [x] Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Oh yeah, size 8 font is pretty difficult, haha! I don't think anyone here uses font quite that small. Some people have it pretty darn tiny, though.
I'd imagine it wouldn't be too bad if you knew he right strength? Hopefully, haha. I'm pretty new to glasses so I don't know much about the systems around them LOL. The transition ones would be so cool to have. I always debate between taking my glasses off to drive and not seeing well, or having the sun burn my eyeballs. :vanora_stunned:
Oh, I didn't know it was a puzzle game! Truthfully I know nothing about the game other than the art on the cover was super cool LOL.

I never could figure Twitter out. But it seems like a lot of people use it. :o

Maybe I'll just open a daycare service and dress all the babies up in them? :D I mean, I could try putting my rabbit in one but she'd probably eat it. But a bunny in a little onsie........okay i might buy this now LOL. RIP ME.

There are way too many things on there I want. :vanora_xd: There's an army jacket? WHAT.
Yeah, I'm tempted to just buy a ton of stuff as early Christmas gifts for myself.. >__> I need a lot of this stuff.

Ah geez, doesn't that make your wrists hurt? Sanders are pretty pricey...but I think when i worked at Ace there were some low end ones for $30? They worked well enough to take the coating off our metal shelves, at least. :D
AHSSHSJA LOL I can soooo see them doing that. Gabe would probably see them walking around and be like "this is why I joined Talon..."
I loved it, haha. I think it's great that Pharah also had the poster of him with the long flowing hair when she was little. She's such a dork.

**edit: Talking so much about Overwatch put me in such an Overwatch mood. :O I went to play a couple o matches and sucked though, so now I don't want to play it, but I also do LOL.
@Concentricity: Ah, unpacking is fun...I hope? :vanora_xd: I've been alright, just always working, it seems!
@Lithinel: This is a lot messier than I had originally intended it to be, but art doesn't want to cooperate with me right now LOL.

Let me know if I need to edit anything!

@Lina: That's very true!