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@ishoji: Oh, really? That's interesting!
Yeaaaaah I'm lazy about a lot of stuff, LOL Luckily my bun just kinda cares for herself. She runs around in the yard all day and then i have to chase her inside so she doesn't freeze and so she has food and water, ahah.

@dowan: I was surprised at it. I'll definitely have to keep watching it, haha. The first part of that first episode was making me laugh pretty hard!
Y'all sure can keep a conversation going. :vanora_shock: I get so lost in fast moving threads, ahah!
Hope everyone is doing well, though! :>
@Boss Rimi: They'd probably put up statues of you as well with that kind of donation LOL. You'd live on for centuries!

@ishoji: Aww. :c Just cuz they're a lot to take care of?

@ishoji: I kept forgetting to mention it LOL. She's a huge nerd and thinks she's a's really weird haha.
@ishoji: PFFT I realized I skipped over your comment. xD Hi

@boss rimi: A big ribbon that stretches across the entire site! :D

@Ravaen: They should be perma items. I don't think they ever plan on removing commons. Oh wow, you really do like those items then, haha! Bet you'll make tons of adorable avatars with them, though! :o
That's good. :D friendships like that are super important.
Night! :> Look forward to chatting tomorrow as well!

@Boss Rimi: Aahah, maybe you'd get like...mega donator title instead, then? :o
@Ravaen: Aren't those items so precious? I like the cat tail a lot! It's nice to have more tail options, haha.

That's good at least. : >
Sounds like you two are really good friends! :vanora_smile:

@Boss Rimi: Baz is co-owner, I suppose haha

@Dowan: LMAO our profile comments are wild. :vanora_cry:
The RIP emote is also good for my Harambe memorial.
Restaurant to Another World? Whaaaat. Now I have to go look that up LOL.
@Boss Rimi: That's true, haha. I'm sure if you donated lottery winnings he'd like, make you co-boss LOL.

@Ravaen: Ah, work is no fun. Boyfriend...more fun? hopefully. :vanora_xd:
But it's still super cool that you're saving her one!
Posted in teabun || open Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Yeah, nothing too mjaor. I think the ping system is getting worked on too, so hopefully there will be less problems with it soon haha.
I like most animals, but cats are a perfect combo of cute/funny, typically. OH which reminds me, i was gonna show you a pic of my bunny since you seem to like them. :D
Fly bunny Not so fly bunny
Haha, typing is hard to do laying down. but it's also more comfortable to be laying down, i guess? :vanora_xd:
Apps are more important than the actual phone....I guess? xD
@Boss Rimi: Ahah, I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that. :vanora_xd:

@Ravaen: Aww, that's sweet of you. :D Are they planning on joining soon?
@Ravaen: Those event items are the best, aren't they? I want to hoard as many sets as I can to share with future Volties. * v *

@Dowan: Loool, too much fun at times. Those two had me laughing so hard the other day.
Mica O-oh...guess we don't need that after all. Glad she's alive and that she's recovered from her eardrums bursting!
Ohh yes, constant memeing. It's essentially the rest of the staff working hard while we're over hre like this
@Panda: You're nice. :vanora_heart:

@Boss Rimi: I think if you donated all the winnings to Voltra you'd own the economy. or the site...:vanora_xd:

@Dowan: Yeeeess! :vanora_cry:
LOL The harambe stuff is so fun. The dev chat I have with Baz/Spring is always about memes as well, ahaa!
Posted in teabun || open Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: Yeah, it just clears the little number next to the notifications, not the notifications themselves...thankfully. otherwise I'd be SO lost ahaha.
Oh, really? :vanora_xd: I like sitting if I'm typing a lot, otherwise I want to be under 40 blankets and watching videos of cats
Same, haha. I'll delay updates for forever. Anytime I open the app store all my apps are like "heeeey, remember us? we're like....super old."