Chai's posts
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: I hope so! I'll hopefully get around to drawing it soon. :vanora_sweat: I have so much stuff to do haha

Posted in Moved
Posted 8 years ago
@Queen Prisma: I want to hoard both art AND cute clothes. :D Wich means I should probably post a lot more than I currently am, hahah.

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@Bean: WHOOPS forgot to reply :(
I'm down for one whenever you are! :D
I'm down for one whenever you are! :D

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: Hahaha! That sounds good, will do! :D

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: No problem! Take as long as you need. :)
What would you like drawn in return for the art trade? :O
What would you like drawn in return for the art trade? :O

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@the youngest granny: Thanks for sharing the sketch with me! :D It looks fantastic so far!
@vee: Ooh, MixterVEE is cool too! But rad that you snagged Vee before it was taken. :>
Oh, really? I'm much more shy in real life than the internet, haha. Cool, though!
You should carry around a special star and give it to strangers who spell it correctly. See if they're like "um...?" That would be pretty fun, I think. :O

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@vee: Haha, it's always great when a stranger spells your name correctly. :D I like Vee a lot! Cool that you chose it as a username here, too. :)
@queen prisma: You can't save them from Steam though, right? I have some screenshots on there I want but I can't find them LOL.
Aw, thanks! I don't know what the game would be about, though. Or how to make one haha.
@mica: I'd be so unorganized as a DM. It'd be like "y'all are level like 30 right?" "no...we're 2" "oh haha well you're all gonna die this round, my BAD." You have to keep track of all the players' stats and such, right?
I'll definitely let you know how it goes! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be forced into playing it cuz they keep dying, haha.
@the youngest granny: Of course I'd do one with you! :D

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
tfw you keep thinking it's overcast, but it's just super smokey. My lungs are BURNING.

@the youngest granny: Nice! I'll definitely come buy art from you when you have it up and running! :vanora_heart:
@queen prisma: I forgot about Stardew Valley! Man, lots of Indie games are making it big, haha. Maybe I should start one.

Steam is so weird about screenshots, haha. I can never remember how to find them.
@vii: Sure! That avi is so cute, omg.
@VEE: Vii and Vee, back to odd. :vanora_xd: Cool, the character sounds awesome! When I get some time, I'll make a sketch for you before doing anything else so I know I'm capturing what you want for them. :] Thanks for all the info, too!
@Mica: Oh, LOOL. Thanks for clarifying the term for me, haha! I'm sure you'll be a great DM as you continue to play. Especially since you have to keep track of EVERYTHING for everyone, I'm sure that kind of takes up most of the focus, haha.
Yeah, I'll have to try and join my friend and her friends. I don't know them too well, though, so it's kinda unnerving to think about, haha. but D&D also seems like so much fun, I'm toooooorn.

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
My replies are probably gonna be really slow for the rest of the night. Trying to finish this project for Baz as quickly as I can. :O
@queen prisma: I'm surprised how many of the small indie games get so wickedly popular! The creators of those games must be FLOORED by all the support they got, aha.
LOL 100% my tactic for horror games is to name thing cute names and hope I don't die because of it. And aw, that's alright! I trust you that it was adorable!
@the youngest granny: The frog hat is so cute..I love it so much. :vanora_cry:
Aw, you're so sweet! I'll have to post a bunch and get some volts to give you a tip with! :> Do you have an active shop currently or are you planning on making one soon?
@queen prisma: I'm surprised how many of the small indie games get so wickedly popular! The creators of those games must be FLOORED by all the support they got, aha.
LOL 100% my tactic for horror games is to name thing cute names and hope I don't die because of it. And aw, that's alright! I trust you that it was adorable!
@the youngest granny: The frog hat is so cute..I love it so much. :vanora_cry:
Aw, you're so sweet! I'll have to post a bunch and get some volts to give you a tip with! :> Do you have an active shop currently or are you planning on making one soon?

Posted in Overwatch
Posted 8 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Pharah's Bedouin skin made me so happy when it was released. She looks so gorgeous.
My favorite skin overall is Genji's Nomad skin. The colors are so pretty! Event skin is probably Zen's Sanzang skin. I was so upset that I didn't get it during the event, so I'm glad they're making it so you can get them the following year. (Bless you Blizzard)
My favorite skin overall is Genji's Nomad skin. The colors are so pretty! Event skin is probably Zen's Sanzang skin. I was so upset that I didn't get it during the event, so I'm glad they're making it so you can get them the following year. (Bless you Blizzard)

Posted in Moved
Posted 8 years ago
I keep spending all my volts on clothes to hoard. :vanora_cry: I'll have to save up so I can bribe you for a super rad piece of art. :>

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@queen prisma: Never played FNAF either, haha. I've seen lots of people talk about it, though!
Naming creatures that could tear your arms off cutesy little names is so much fun, honestly. :vanora_heart: Derpomorph? Haha, that's a cute name too!
Same! :D Glad you're enjoying the conversation, haha.
@the youngest granny: OH LOL, I do that a lot too, no worries! And you don't have to draw anything if you don't feel like it. c:
@Miss kitty: You're welcome! Glad you like it! :>
@Mica: Dual shot rock throwing monkies? I really need to play D&D, that sounds awesome! :vanora_xd: DMing seems like it takes a lot of work to do. Well, D&D in general seems that way, but so many people have fun so it must be worth it. :>
SUPER DM. You should try making a collaborative story somehow...without spoiling it for everyone. Now that I think about it, that's probably hard to do. :vanora_sweat: never played D&D before
Thank yoooou! :'>

Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 8 years ago
@queen prisma: Oh, interesting! I've never heard of it before. I'd try playing it, but jumpscares give me soooo much anxiety. :vanora_xd: Fluffy is a good name for a xenomorph. 10/10, I approve.
Sweet, I'll subscribe to the thread and come chat later today! :D Your art is so cute!

Posted in Len
Posted 8 years ago
@Len: Welcome to Voltra! Feel free to ping or message me if you need any help!
I'm doing well! How about yourself? Enjoying the site so far? :)