Chai's posts
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@sunny: Hey there, sunny!
Thanks so much! And yes, of course you can! :>
Thanks so much! And yes, of course you can! :>
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@the youngest granny: :vanora_shock: Whaaaaat!! Which avatar was it of? I'd love to see it! :vanora_cry:
@queen prisma: Yeah, they staff is great. :]
Oh, what's Alien Isolation? That sounds pretty cool!
Nice! Do you have a shop thread on here? :>
Posted in hmmm
Posted 7 years ago
@Thelxi: Ah, yeah, it is sort of hard to price things when a new site starts up, haha! If you decide to make one in the future, I'll definitely drop by and buy some from you, though! :>
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@Elithiya: Aw, thanks! :>
And great, glad you were able to grab one! :vanora_heart:
@Queen Prisma: Yup! I'm glad to see all the feedback, both positive and negative! Voltra is really getting off to a good start so far, I'm really impressed. :>
So, how is your day going so far?
Posted in hmmm
Posted 7 years ago
@Moossey: Haha, the emoji just made it perfect, I couldn't resist.
@thelxi: Your art is so cute! Have you considered opening up an art shop on here at all? I'd definitely buy from you! :vanora_heart:
@thelxi: Your art is so cute! Have you considered opening up an art shop on here at all? I'd definitely buy from you! :vanora_heart:
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
Sorry it took so long to do! I've been busy working on a project. :vanora_sweat:
Sorry it took so long to do! I've been busy working on a project. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in hmmm
Posted 7 years ago
@Thelxi: It is a nice green, isn't it? :) It pairs very well with the white, too!
Same! I know the pixel artists have been working hard on new items, so hopefully we'll get to see all those beauties soon!:vanora_heart:
Same! I know the pixel artists have been working hard on new items, so hopefully we'll get to see all those beauties soon!:vanora_heart:
Posted in Overwatch
Posted 7 years ago
@Slytherclaw: PharMercy is the ultimate power couple. :vanora_heart:
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Yup, I'm sure they'll work themselves out soon!
Thankfully they aren't anything super major, haha. Watch as I jinx the entire site
Thankfully they aren't anything super major, haha. Watch as I jinx the entire site
Posted in Helllllo~
Posted 7 years ago
@Alexis: Hey there! :] Welcome to Voltra!
Hope to see you around on the forums!
Hope to see you around on the forums!
Posted in hmmm
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome to Voltra, @Thelxi! Your avatar is already looking fantastic! :vanora_heart:
Posted in The Sandbox [Art] ⇒ Shop: CLOSED ⇄ Freebies: OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: I get paid later this week, I'll download it then! :>
I can't aim in any game, ever. :vanora_xd: I play Lucio a lot so I typically just rely on his boop to save me, so i suppose I don't need to aim much, haha! Is KH3 only going to be available for PS4?
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: I'm sure the ping system has some bugs to it, but I'm sure Baz is overloaded with things to fix, haha. He does so much. :vanora_cry: I'm sure it'll get running smoothly in no time, though! :>
@Mica: Oohh, that sounds really good! I'll have to try making it sometime! :O
LOOOL, that's how you know you're a good DM though, right? ;D It must be hard having so many campaigns going, though.
@kenome: The most dedicated I've been to a lie was parking my car at a friend's house for a weekend cuz I told someone I was out of town and they said they were going to drive by to make sure. :vanora_sweat: I don't think I would be able to say a family member died, though.
Oh, that's cool! I'm sure it'll take a while to get everything smooth again, but it's pretty awesome that your GM is a friend. It would definitely suck to have someone you didn't get along with as a GM of a place. :(
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes!
Posted 7 years ago
@the youngest granny: 12 feet!? Dang! :vanora_shock: I bet it's a really cozy scarf, though! Did your friend like it?
@kenome: Haha, right? It's more effort than I would have put into it, that's for sure.
Aw man, fast food seems like it would easily be one of the most stressful places to work. :[ Have you met the new GM yet?
@mica: Ahhh, how cool! D&D characters are so neat! Is she your newest character, or are they for different campaigns? :o
Like the pizza had cauliflower on it? :O It sounds interesting!
@queen prisma: Hopefully I'll get it done relatively soon, haha. And yeah, I think it's because I put so many pings in the same post, maybe? Sometimes I don't always receive pings. :vanora_sweat: