Chemicaldivision's posts
Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 8 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: unless you forget too because you get sucked into KoA.... lol

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 8 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: So that means we'll be talking via discord? lol. I love you hun, feel free to murder things tonight, just not me. :p

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: They are a good series of games, I've played all three. I need to get to streaming again, but I just now got caught up with my week for youtube, and on top of that I have a tabletop RP on discord that is finally in the starting stages.
@Lily: I never got into the FF online stuff. I played wow for about three months straight. That was a mistake.... So obsessed. SWTOR is cool because you still the the light side dark side choices even if your in a party. It's a number system, whoever has the highest gets their dialogue choice read in the cutscene, but you still get the results of your original choice. :)
@Lily: I never got into the FF online stuff. I played wow for about three months straight. That was a mistake.... So obsessed. SWTOR is cool because you still the the light side dark side choices even if your in a party. It's a number system, whoever has the highest gets their dialogue choice read in the cutscene, but you still get the results of your original choice. :)

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
Anywhoo... I'm late for herbology....*strolls away from the area.*

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: It's really a lot better if you play with a bunch of friends...i also just ignore the chat sometimes. The community isn't as toxic as people make it out to be, but then again, I don't play Competitive.... I just play arcade. :) I can respect a love for RPG's though. Have you played Mass Effect?

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
Yes of course! And Get the Snitch, but only if you are ahead!

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I mean...I could change it up... GO SPORTSBALL.. PUT THE FIMFLONG INTO THE GOOPYSPLAT! POINTS! GOALS! GO SPORTSBALL! Is that better?

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
@Lily: *steps back from the ash pile of remains that used to be Diablo 3* Oooh... Alright, then. lol. You got some strong feelings there Lily. :vanora_xd: I liked PoE, and I'm interested in getting back into it, but then I also have SWTOR calling me and like, 4's a problem...because Time is a construct that humans created....and now we all just follow it blindly...

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
@Lily: I have played PoE, and I dig it. It makes me wanna play diablo 3 everytime though, and I have that. lol Also, I want to play wildstar, and I have it, I just haven't had the time to dedicate a full day or even couple of hours to start it. Plus I don't really need ANOTHER mmo timesink into my life.

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
That's awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the patriots...just because I'm honestly tired of hearing about them. It seems like every year, even if Tom Brady isn't playing, its PATRIOTS ARE AWESOME. I'm win yes...but chill. lol Not to mention Deflate-gate. Regardless if it's true or not.

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah, I feel you. Cosmetic dlc I'm fine with, all day long, I don't have to buy it, unless I REALLY like the look of an outfit or something. But No way do I like stuff that changes the meta. That's why overwatch is so chill by me. All the DLC has been free, and on top of that, the pay stuff is all cosmetic, plus you don't HAVE to buy it to unlock it.

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: I could guess a few teams that make your least favorite team But I like a close game too. I'm not a super fan that gets grumpy and pissed when we lose, so I guess I don't really care that much about it. But I do love watching it. There is something about the athleticism of these people that's astounding.

Posted in Gamer's League [Open!]
Posted 8 years ago
@Lily: I hate P2W stuff. It annoys the crap out of me. But, people gotta make their money I guess. *Shrugs*

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: Right on. Sorry to hear about your ankle... Who's your team though? I'm a fan of the Packers and the Panthers.