Chii's profile

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Currently practicing Mahler's 4th symphony with the orchestra. Concert is 14th of april 2018. :)
I love all kinds of music, so it's hard to pick just one video. That's why I will always change my Youtube video to the music I'm currently playing with my orchestra. Should be fun :D
Hi everyone,My name is Chii (yes, like in Chobits) and I'm from a small country called The Netherlands.
I like gaming, swimming, but most of all, teaching music. I love to play the violin and especially in orchestra's. :) So yeah, I'm all music. I also like to squash (which is some kind of tennis but very intense, haha)
I have a very special something. I have two different coloured eyes and I was born this way. Pretty cool huh? *feels special* Here's a picture of dem eyes ;)

Buh-bye! <3
Cold and tired, but I got errands done and the only thing left to do today is gaming with friends, so huzzah! -w-
How goes? :D
*Pokes your chobit-y cheek* '3'
Your avi and name are so cute!
Such a cute avi, I love the red with all the colors!! * o*!
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