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But f there's a salt emoji, there should also be a pepper one right? ;c Otherwise, DISCRIMINATION!
@Alia starchild: Haha, salt in the wounds? :P
I have some coffee left :D *waves coffeepot*
I'm currently wondering why do we even have a salt emoji?
I'm just as confused Lithinel xD
@Alia starchild: I can tell :p
I take one sip of my coffee and I'm already 5 posts behind D: whut!
You guys are amazing anyways, because you are really helping me complete my halloween set :D
Awhh see ya later RainbowPanda :)
@Panda: Really? O: Names please!
@Alia starchild: Everything here is for fun and just to escape reality for a while. :)
@Panda: I'm from The Netherlands. You?
@Alia starchild: Well, people on avatar sites like these don't judge people that fast. At least not on the outside. :)
I'll just try to relax and enjoy my holiday.
And I'll return to my own home on thursday. I'm just visiting my parents this week. Should be fun right? -_-
@Panda: That's right :c She's only making it worse.