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Posted in disability chill zone Posted 5 years ago
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@vessel: thanks!! i also think selfdiagnosis is valid because i know how inaccessible it can be to get it (my gf has both mental stuff and physical stuff but not many of them diagnosed yet, but i mean living with her i definitely know it's there without the papers, ya know? i just feel wary talking about it because when i brought the undiagnosed stuff up at school, it....kind of backfired...:/ so yeah, i'm careful using the words until i have proof for that reason.. i ,might share eventually, but i think i gotta ease into it. for now i'll just say that i probably have a few mental ones (added to my autism, depression and social anxiety diagnosises, oof) , and maybe one physical that i have quite a few symptoms of..)

i think i have a bit of extra fear of doctors/not being taken seriously because it took so long for me to get the help i needed, and as an afab nonbinary i'm quite scared i won't be taken seriously :/

sorry if this post is a bit sad/self centered or something ; u; my brain is just a weird place lately, especially after.... ya know.. 2020 as a whole. :vanora_sweat:

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in looking to get back into rping [updated] Posted 5 years ago
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Hi there! I would like to RP with you!
I've also kind of been looking for something where it's not centered around romance, but instead the plot, and some of these settings are interesting to me;
- paranormal
- space opera
- apocalypses
though I do wanna warn you that I have little to no experience in these genres (but that's kind of the reason i'm interested too)

Also, I too haven't been paragraph roleplaying for a while (and when I did it was usually just between 1-2 most of the time), so I definitely don't mind if we experiment with style or keep it shorter until we are comfortable.

let me know if you would be interested in roleplaying with me too. :)

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in An update on this old pirate I guess. Posted 5 years ago
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@Dread Pirate: I hope stuff will fall into place here soon too ^^
But good to hear that things are slowly working out for you!!

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in 1x1 rp search Posted 5 years ago
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@Alicethemadhatter: Hi!
That sounds good to me

Any details you wanna sort out before we make a thread?
Like fleshing out the world or characters or something. And what role our characters have in the universe, maybe? I don’t know, how much you like to figure out beforehand, so I thought I’d check ^^

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in An update on this old pirate I guess. Posted 5 years ago
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@Dread Pirate: same goes for you, heheh
For a while I was doing good! But this past year has.... not been great.
Trying to figure it all out though. How about you?

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in disability chill zone Posted 5 years ago
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Hello hello!!

My only official diagnosis so far is that I’m autistic, but I suspect I have a few undiagnosed things as well. I don’t know if I should share until I know for sure, but getting to a doctor these last few months has been.... difficult.

Nice to find a lil hangout for disability, so... nice to meet y’all! :)

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in insecurities Posted 5 years ago
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@Jolly: yeah that's understandable! even though i appreciate empathy from people who aren't autistic, sometimes i feel a bit more.... less alone about the experience when i can talk to other autistics about what I'm going through.
After I got my diagnosis, I stopped feeling "broken", because I knew why I was the way I was, and why I couldn't do what the others could.
(I do believe in selfdiagnosis when it comes to autism btw, just because getting the official diagnosis is so inaccessible)

I'm kind of on the opposite side of that, I probably also have both, but I know a whole lot more about autism. The traits can overlap a lot too though, it's sort of like a venn diagram

and here's a bit more about that.

(also ps; if you want a few resources to learn about autism, feel free to ask!
i have a little collection of ones that have helped me so i don't mind sharing. )

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in 1x1 rp search Posted 5 years ago
Hello there!
I have been roleplaying for 10+ years, but in the last few years I have more written on my own.
But, I just returned to Voltra, and I kind of miss rp'ing, so I'm looking for people to do that with.

I tend to write between 1-2 paragraphs but I sometimes add more if I'm inspired.
I might take a few days to respond sometimes (because my energylevels are a little unpredictable, and i do tend to have writersblock in the beginning), but I will at least try to get in a few replies a week. Feel free to nudge me with either a ping or a PM or a profilecomment if you think I'm too slow though. (I just wanna be clear from the beginning that I don't reply daily, because promising that before and not being able to deliver tends to turn me off to the whole thing)

Although I have a lot of experience with fandom roleplay, and I am on board with doing that (especially if it can include my pokemon gijinkas or my gemsonas), what I'm currently looking for is more something with original characters.
(ps; i'll add a list of fandoms and universes i'd like to write in a bit further down)

I have some original characters already, but I also don't mind creating new ones specifically for our roleplay.

I don't mind roleplaying romance, but it's not a necessity. I'd also like it to if so, not be the only plotpart of the story, cuz that gets boring really quick for me. Even better if it's just something that happens between the characters on it's own, and isn't forced. (though sometimes fandoms can be an exception, because i'm a shipper at heart)


  • sci-fi
  • steampunk
  • semi-fantasy
  • meeting in a domestic setting; floral shop, coffee shop, library, arcade, etc
  • something witchy!!
  • monsters (something along the lines of the comic Monster Pop, though not a rip off of it)
  • cryptid hunters (for video footage, not violent!)

fandoms i can rp:

  • steven universe (preferably with gemsonas and not the characters in the show, even though they can make an appearance)
  • she ra
  • shadowhunters (magnus and alec are my weak spot for this, but I am on board with some of the other characters too)
  • dirk gently (the netflix tv show is what I'm the most familiar with, though I don't mind elements from books or other works by Douglas Adams)
  • w.i.t.c.h. ( i recently started rereading and i would not mind something set in that universe! would prefer to write through new characters, even if the characters from the comics make an appearance)
  • something inspired by alice in wonderland or kingdom hearts
  • or something inspired by dark crystal

That's all I can think of, but feel free to ask any questions! :)
Posted in An update on this old pirate I guess. Posted 5 years ago
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@Dread Pirate: Hi!
What timing, I just came back here as well :D

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in insecurities Posted 5 years ago
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Hi, I am also autistic (well, officially on the “Asperger” side of the spectrum, but I don’t really like that word as a way to refer to my own disabled identity for reasons I won’t get into now.)

First of all, I’ll be blunt; this guy seems like bad news.
While I don’t think it’s an insult to say that you notice someone is autistic (since it’s not a negative thing to be(actually I get angrier when people try to “compliment” me with “oh, I could hardly tell”), he seems to be doing it more as a way to psychoanalyze you rather than help you (especially since he wouldn’t change the subject)

I see a pattern of this with people in that field that they study people more to tickle their own intellect rather than to understand people in order to help them, which makes me anxious. Empathy is an important part of the job, and... I don’t always see it.

It’s not a bad thing to open up, and not knowing when we over share is a common autistic trait, so I get really angry when I see people take advantage of that. (like this guy)

I hope it all works out okay! And also sorry if my response became a bit personal, it’s just something I see a lot, and it makes me uncomfortable every time, so I have quite an emotional reaction to it.

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in confused hello Posted 5 years ago
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@Wildfire: thank you!!
totally get why i missed this, forums are so nice~

...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in confused hello Posted 5 years ago
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@Count Trashula: thank you! it's been really nice to be back so far
...or should we have tea first?✰⭒
Posted in blin's lonely hangout Posted 5 years ago
honestly, if it's slightly slowpace at the moment it'll be a bit easier for me to get back into the swing of forums again, so i don't mind, hahah<3
(hope that's not rude, it's just been quite a while, so i'm.... slowpaced myself atm, hahah)

i guess overall i've been doing well, even if this last year has been..... rather intense...
how about you?

@vessel: helllo there!! i'm not doing too bad, how about you?
Posted in Team Metal Cabin Posted 5 years ago
just joined the metal team!
a bit late because i didn't understand this part of the event at first
but better late than never, i guess!