Crystalkitsune85's posts
Posted in Crystal's Parakeet School 101 (OPEN FOR POSTING)
Posted 5 years ago

Parakeet School 101
How to take care of Pet Parakeets

Has this ever happened to you? You've gone into Petco or Pet Smart and have seen those cute little birds in the enclosure in the bird section. You know that they're parakeets and she see how adorable they are and some of you may be like "Oh I really want a Parakeet!" But you don't know anything about them. Well if you're on the fence about owning one, this 'class' will help you decide if owning a Parakeet is right for you!
In the following posts will be information in different topics about care and ownership of parakeets.
How to take care of Pet Parakeets

Has this ever happened to you? You've gone into Petco or Pet Smart and have seen those cute little birds in the enclosure in the bird section. You know that they're parakeets and she see how adorable they are and some of you may be like "Oh I really want a Parakeet!" But you don't know anything about them. Well if you're on the fence about owning one, this 'class' will help you decide if owning a Parakeet is right for you!
In the following posts will be information in different topics about care and ownership of parakeets.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in re-reading The Last Hearled-Mage of Valdamair.
Posted 5 years ago

I think I"m only missing a couple books. I really enjoyed how you really don't have to read the trilogies in any particular order. But I also like how the other books make mention of other characters in the past. There was one series, I'm not sure which one, actually had the ghosts of Vanyel and Stephen talking with one of the characters. I don't remember if it was Elspeth or someone else. And OMG are Companions sooooo pretty. They're like unicorns without horns. Iridescent looking coats and big blue/purple eyes. And they're as intelligent as humans...

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in re-reading The Last Hearled-Mage of Valdamair.
Posted 5 years ago

There are some I own, that I haven't even read yet. The Winds of Fate series. Oath Bound I read the first two, but not the third. Storm Warning series I've not read. There are also some one offs that I enjoyed. Take a Thief and Brightly Burning. Brightly Burning was sad :<
There are some I own, that I haven't even read yet. The Winds of Fate series. Oath Bound I read the first two, but not the third. Storm Warning series I've not read. There are also some one offs that I enjoyed. Take a Thief and Brightly Burning. Brightly Burning was sad :<

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

I really wish I had more backgrounds. The camp stuff and some of the backgrounds from last months monthlies helped a little at least.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in re-reading The Last Hearled-Mage of Valdamair.
Posted 5 years ago

I was like 15 when I first found her books at the Library. Then as an adult I've been trying to collect all the books. I think besides the Founding series (Black/White/Silver Gryphon) my other favorite is Owlflight, Owlsight, Owlknight. Darien Firkin K'Vala. I actually made a fan fic off that trilogy and called it Owllight. It was what happened at the end of the last book lol.
I was like 15 when I first found her books at the Library. Then as an adult I've been trying to collect all the books. I think besides the Founding series (Black/White/Silver Gryphon) my other favorite is Owlflight, Owlsight, Owlknight. Darien Firkin K'Vala. I actually made a fan fic off that trilogy and called it Owllight. It was what happened at the end of the last book lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

My internal clock still basically wakes me up before noon, which is when I get up anyway.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in re-reading The Last Hearled-Mage of Valdamair.
Posted 5 years ago

@star2000shadow: OMG You like MERCEDES LACKEY???? I LOVE her books! I own like pretty much all of her books. I loved that trilogy. I even had the 'song' of Vanyel at the end memorized at one point.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

@xvz: I keep my room dark with blankets over the windows. I turn lights on during the day, so they can hang out and do their thing, and then at night until I wake up they stay quiet. Birds usually get quieter when it's dark. That's why Falconers put hoods on hawks and stuff. It calms them down if they're in darkness. If my room is completely dark, they'll eventually go to sleep. But they also know what time I usually feed them, so if I sleep in, they usually start waking up and demanding food even if I'm trying to sleep lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

Parakeets are social birds. They prefer flocks in order to be happy. If someone had just one parakeet and didn't spend time with it, that's probably why it was loud. Mine chatter, but it's 15 chattering. If I had two it'd be a lot quieter.
Also I've had up to 18 at one point. I think that's the most I've had....Any more then that, I'd run out of room and patience. I'm basically taking care of the ones I have now, and I'm not going to breed again this year. I might breed later when the numbers dwindle.
Also I've had up to 18 at one point. I think that's the most I've had....Any more then that, I'd run out of room and patience. I'm basically taking care of the ones I have now, and I'm not going to breed again this year. I might breed later when the numbers dwindle.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

@star2000shadow: Thank you!
And one parakeet would be less messy than 15 that's for sure. Also less food budget too, but I'm an insane bird lady so definiately don't get 15 unless you're a breeder....and sell them. I just get too attached to mine so that's my downfall lol.
And one parakeet would be less messy than 15 that's for sure. Also less food budget too, but I'm an insane bird lady so definiately don't get 15 unless you're a breeder....and sell them. I just get too attached to mine so that's my downfall lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

Parakeets are generally easy to take care of. You just need to know how. If you get a pair, they keep each other company, but if you just get one, it needs a lot of attention. But it was just a weird idea to make a "what you need to know to care for a parakeet" thread and make it multi posted so it was covering multiple subjects.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago

Go to le Google. Search "Cute" or "Adorable" Kittens. Post image address. Post in thread and hit enter XD

"Oh, the tired horror!"