Deaa's posts
Posted in i just really want to share this masterpiece i just made
Posted 6 years ago

(also the link just goes to the notifications tab)
what was this made with???
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

@nyuu: at all! that's just bad service :/
you work hard for your content and you shouldn't have to fight for it to not be stolen
especially on the same site/app!
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@panda: OH WOW THANKS ; U; so nice of you~
@panda: OH WOW THANKS ; U; so nice of you~

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: they never responded about it?!?!
that's messed up :/
@nyuu: they never responded about it?!?!
that's messed up :/

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: have you gotten that one page banned yet? the one that kept stealing your content?
@nyuu: have you gotten that one page banned yet? the one that kept stealing your content?

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tsundererra: granted, as someone who used to bite their nails to the nubs in January, i'm very glad about that my nails are long enough to paint on their own, however i'd much rather love for my hair to be longer than for my nails to be long/er *shrugs*
BRUH if I could put my hair in a bun every day, i'd be doing that right now! so I don't blame you either xD
I had a very interesting big chop cause I was going to transition the entire time but then my hair matted up while I was washing it one night and then I couldn't untangle it no matter how much conditioner I put in it, then all of a sudden I called my mom and she took me over my cousin's and she cut my hair off, it was highkey traumatic af cause I was nowhere near ready, but here I am :'D
I mean if you're into explicit stuff, there's gonna be an explicit bts type of thing cause I started writing this as a super adult "romance" novel that turned into more fantasy than sexy stuff, so i'm thinking a official sexy doujin type thing
honestly the more you work on it, the more i'll tip you, so I have no problem with it xD
@tsundererra: granted, as someone who used to bite their nails to the nubs in January, i'm very glad about that my nails are long enough to paint on their own, however i'd much rather love for my hair to be longer than for my nails to be long/er *shrugs*
BRUH if I could put my hair in a bun every day, i'd be doing that right now! so I don't blame you either xD
I had a very interesting big chop cause I was going to transition the entire time but then my hair matted up while I was washing it one night and then I couldn't untangle it no matter how much conditioner I put in it, then all of a sudden I called my mom and she took me over my cousin's and she cut my hair off, it was highkey traumatic af cause I was nowhere near ready, but here I am :'D
I mean if you're into explicit stuff, there's gonna be an explicit bts type of thing cause I started writing this as a super adult "romance" novel that turned into more fantasy than sexy stuff, so i'm thinking a official sexy doujin type thing
honestly the more you work on it, the more i'll tip you, so I have no problem with it xD

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
so i’m a lil tipsy but I just want you to know i’m very excited for this artwork
I show my friends you WIPs any time I have the chance to
so i’m a lil tipsy but I just want you to know i’m very excited for this artwork
I show my friends you WIPs any time I have the chance to

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: I see! your page is very popular and i'm very proud of you and happy for you
@nyuu: I see! your page is very popular and i'm very proud of you and happy for you

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: HEY! it's been a while ; u;
i'm pretty swamped at work, but i'm writing again~
how're you?
@nyuu: HEY! it's been a while ; u;
i'm pretty swamped at work, but i'm writing again~
how're you?

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tsundererra: ahhh nah i think they're only online at this point, their best products have to be frozen/refrigerated
i've never heard of nioxin before, but biotin helps my nails a lot more than it helps my hair ; A;
also I don't take good enough care of my hair, i detangle like 2-3 times less than i should be
yes exactly that! trying to avoid heat damage, especially cause i consistently flat-ironed before i transitioned/big-chopped!
LMAO definitely not forever, just maybe a few years max after the timeline of the book
@tsundererra: ahhh nah i think they're only online at this point, their best products have to be frozen/refrigerated
i've never heard of nioxin before, but biotin helps my nails a lot more than it helps my hair ; A;
also I don't take good enough care of my hair, i detangle like 2-3 times less than i should be
yes exactly that! trying to avoid heat damage, especially cause i consistently flat-ironed before i transitioned/big-chopped!
LMAO definitely not forever, just maybe a few years max after the timeline of the book

Posted in deaa's dreams • a quest | open
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@dragoness129: thanks for the well wishes!
i forget about this thread often lol
@dragoness129: thanks for the well wishes!
i forget about this thread often lol

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tsundererra: I WOULD DIE OF LAUGHTER, like that much dram would pull me right back into the show xD
also praying/hoping RD turns into a soap
for growth and really soft/moisturized hair, i'd suggest trying NaturAll Club's growth serum and damaged hair treatment at least for one time, cause i've seen a lot of people talk about how that really helped their hair!
YES yes they do ; A; it's like 1-1.5 inches as a fro, stretched out like 5-6 inches
even when i do twist outs, it's only 3-4 inches *cries* i've been growing my hair for 5 years now
I KNOW! she won't hear me out tho, i'll probs convince her to at least date him after they save the world
idk, he won't give up tho, but he'll let her go her own pace *shrugs*
@tsundererra: I WOULD DIE OF LAUGHTER, like that much dram would pull me right back into the show xD
also praying/hoping RD turns into a soap
for growth and really soft/moisturized hair, i'd suggest trying NaturAll Club's growth serum and damaged hair treatment at least for one time, cause i've seen a lot of people talk about how that really helped their hair!
YES yes they do ; A; it's like 1-1.5 inches as a fro, stretched out like 5-6 inches
even when i do twist outs, it's only 3-4 inches *cries* i've been growing my hair for 5 years now
I KNOW! she won't hear me out tho, i'll probs convince her to at least date him after they save the world
idk, he won't give up tho, but he'll let her go her own pace *shrugs*

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tsundererra: LOLOLOL I think Riverdale would benefit from Soap Opera camera-work xD imagine the gasp-filled scenes and slaps
ATLA was sooo good I wish it lasted longer D:
awww have you tried damaged hair routines? i'm sure there's some in the "ethnic hair" section that could help!
does trimming/cutting your hair help? oH WAIT when'd you get back from Japan?
i'm a 4b/4c so whatever I do, i've got an afro xD
HONESTLY i'd be strolling around with teeny weeny 1-inch-stretched-out afro forever
extra hubby material, I try to convince Aniya to give him a chance, but she really is not ready for marriage xD
I'd like the side braids to be a bit thicker than Derik's for the top of hair, right above the forehead, it can just be slicked back and held back with her very secure tiara lol
@tsundererra: LOLOLOL I think Riverdale would benefit from Soap Opera camera-work xD imagine the gasp-filled scenes and slaps
ATLA was sooo good I wish it lasted longer D:
awww have you tried damaged hair routines? i'm sure there's some in the "ethnic hair" section that could help!
does trimming/cutting your hair help? oH WAIT when'd you get back from Japan?
i'm a 4b/4c so whatever I do, i've got an afro xD
HONESTLY i'd be strolling around with teeny weeny 1-inch-stretched-out afro forever
extra hubby material, I try to convince Aniya to give him a chance, but she really is not ready for marriage xD
I'd like the side braids to be a bit thicker than Derik's for the top of hair, right above the forehead, it can just be slicked back and held back with her very secure tiara lol

Posted in 1x1 - Runaway Dragons
Posted 6 years ago

With a small smile, she turned on a classical streaming station on her phone's music app. She turned it to a soft level, audible yet soothing. With the TV off, she could admit to herself that she was a little bored, but she was happy that Eke was comfortable--or hoped, anyway. "Have you heard this one before?" She peered at her screen, reading off, "Nocturne op.9 No.1 by Choppin?"