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@Tuijp: Heh heh. Well... you might not be the first, and you certainly won't be the last.

@Lunakiri: Oh yeah. For sure. And you certainly have avenues where you can release it no matter what kinda implications are involved.

@ghost: Oh, wow. That makes it even more awesome when they sync up then!

@ghost: Ugh, yeah. It's frustrating when you can't find a good series just because of age, licensing issues, or <insert reason>. How'd you watch it? O.O

@Lunakiri: I see. Hm...
You should actually make him a character. I think he'd be pretty awesome based on the poem. :o

@Lunakiri: Ah, gotcha. Does the one in the poem have an identity as well, or is he just inspired by Hunter?

@Tuijp: A good Dungeon Master doesn't give away his secrets, now does he? You'll just have to be... ahem, escorted, to find out.

@ghost: Yeah, but you look so perfect flying next to it!
Did you intend for the emotes to go so well together? LOL

@Lunakiri: Yeah, your mind's like a gutter in an unknown layer of hell deep deeeep down.
Oh, is Hunter the one from your poem?

@Tuijp: Oh, we need to ping @Saeyra: in here so she can show you to the dungeon. It's reserved for good clientele like yourself.

@ghost: Aww man... I looked for the anime on Crunchyroll but it doesn't seem to be available. ><

True. It could be a friendly ghost... like Casper.

@Lunakiri: Not much to read. There's just the games post which has some stuff.

@Unicorn: Good night! And 17k. Holy ghost.

@ghost: ooh, man, awful characters who have a sweet side are so interesting. A lot of the manga Mica made me read and that I never finished, but got to like... page 300+ or something insane, had awful sweet guys. Shoujo life man.

Definitely safe to post in here.

Do be aware we have a reaper ghost on the loose, though.

@Lunakiri: LOL, I only ever read online but uh... I usually get to doing something else and lose my place in the manga. And I always forget to favorite the correct page to go back to it.

I do have some books to finish though. Actual books.

@ghost: You really do. Now you're a reaper ontop of a ghost which is kind of an oxymoron tbh. LOL

Aww man, Beetlejuice. That show was pretty cool. >.>

@ghost: Tactics? It looks really nice actually. /googled it to great effect

Too bad I can never finish manga... @_@

Well, I've concluded ghost is more akin to a ninja... who's also a ghost. He's quite clearly a ninja ghost... or a ghost ninja

@ghost: There's something funny about us using the ghost emote and you checking Voltra in time LOL