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The girls and I got our Halloween costumes today.
Welcome back, Bammy!

Yay for extras! ^_^
Clearance sections are great! I love buying things for cheap!
-hugs User- Just gotta post when you can. Maybe some conversation will spark.
Lots of luck to you, Panda!
Jazz - Thanks, I guess? lol ^_^
blin - That pile of creatures looks like that new Pokemon.
Yes, I have twin girls who are 8 years old.
Got the kids to bed! -relaxes-
I plan on selling Panda some extras as well. ^_^
Gonna get some extra sets to sell. ^_^
This one is super easy to get a full set!
Bammy - Yeah, just gotta pick and choose some conversations sometimes. ^_^
Yeah, never want Voltra to ever die! Keep it alive!