Dragoness129's posts
Posted in Caro's Block Party Hangout Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Lol, great pun, Shamus!
Morning Caro!
Morning Caro!

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah! Lots of fun! I just went with something silly. ^_^

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
There are so many possible answers to this question >_<

Posted in Kent's Autumn Art Shop & Freebies
Posted 7 years ago
I'm around, Kent!

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
A skull theme would be pretty cool!

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
-snuggles on Ina-
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!

Posted 7 years ago
1240 - Good morning everyone~! :vanora_heart:

Posted in Velvet's Design Boutique [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Aww, those are also really cute!

Posted in Vivienne's Design Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Hmm, that is rather interesting.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Man, this shipment is taking forever to put away, but I don't want to leave you guys without a new question for too long. I don't suppose you guys would mind very much if I drop a new question for you, and update the scoreboard this evening, yeah? I'll find the motivation soon, scouts honor.
...What do you mean, I was never a scout?
Anyway, if you guessed Ice Realm, ding ding~ You can add those points to your personal head count for now. Ice people are all about their tests and schools and all--doesn't that sound boring?
Let's see...
Let's do another one you guess have to guess at, yeah? Voltra has a lot of kinda dangerous critters that Static and Frizz protect us from, but it's always smart to bring a weapon you know how to use if you're goin' to venture outside the city's walls. You might have seen Static with his staff--I hear he sold some of those to some early volties, even.
What weapon do you think Vanora prefers?
Man, this shipment is taking forever to put away, but I don't want to leave you guys without a new question for too long. I don't suppose you guys would mind very much if I drop a new question for you, and update the scoreboard this evening, yeah? I'll find the motivation soon, scouts honor.
...What do you mean, I was never a scout?
Anyway, if you guessed Ice Realm, ding ding~ You can add those points to your personal head count for now. Ice people are all about their tests and schools and all--doesn't that sound boring?
Let's see...
Let's do another one you guess have to guess at, yeah? Voltra has a lot of kinda dangerous critters that Static and Frizz protect us from, but it's always smart to bring a weapon you know how to use if you're goin' to venture outside the city's walls. You might have seen Static with his staff--I hear he sold some of those to some early volties, even.
What weapon do you think Vanora prefers?
I'm just gonna guess a Microphone. Those stands are heavy, you know!

Posted in Vanora's Autumnal Art Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Oh no! Poor Vyctor and his horns.
(Still looking forward to what you create!)
(Still looking forward to what you create!)

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Man, you guys are too good at this. And I'm in a rush to get back to the shop, so someone remind me to update the scoreboard after I finish puttin' this shipment away.
But for now, let's go with...
One of the four realms is pretty well known for it's academics and university programs. Which do you think it is?
Man, you guys are too good at this. And I'm in a rush to get back to the shop, so someone remind me to update the scoreboard after I finish puttin' this shipment away.
But for now, let's go with...
One of the four realms is pretty well known for it's academics and university programs. Which do you think it is?
I will guess Ice Realm as well.

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah, I'm already going to get less sleep than normal because of taking the girls to the bus stop.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Nice, nice!
-gives good night kiss to Vyctor- :vanora_heart:
-gives good night kiss to Vyctor- :vanora_heart: