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I like collecting all the items and hatching new pets on there.

Yeah, lots of pros and cons to all the sites.

I have been active on Dappervolk for about a month and a half now.

The layering system on Trisphee is open so that you can move items to the front or back, like Dappervolk's avatar layering.

Yes! Job money can be tossed at sites we love now that we are adults.

Hmm, not sure what to recommend. A lot of them have died down from what they used to be.
Pantheon is newer, so it is more active still.

I used to be regularly active on about 5 several years ago, but now it is more like 2 maybe.

Also if I don't like a site, I won't throw money at it.

Not even going to try guessing how much I have tossed at Voltra. lol.

Yeah, now thinking about mene makes me sad.

-high fives us all- We are completely and hopelessly addicted.

I'll try all the sites once. If I don't like them, I won't stick around much.

Glad you have returned to them!
It's fun chatting with everyone.
Yeah, Mene was my home before the owner quit it and didn't give the reigns to anyone. T_T

I would have loved to post even more than I had.

There's other site addicts who I see from site to site.
We tend to mostly carry the same usernames.