Eask's posts
Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Oh that's nice to didn't know people had like gallery's and shops interesting. An ya a draw a avatar post I can see that would be difficult to do like on the spot lol

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: ohh now I see thanks ya i saw some others posting pictures and i was like no idea how to do that haha thank you how long have you been on voltra?

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: oh I mean like the forums here I'm sure there is topics of someone saying like " show me the best picture you drew or digital art?" you know XD so something like that I would think it would a topic that would interest you as well.

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Haha yes that's good to have love is good didn't know we could send gifs lol but i don't know much here yet.

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Haha Well that is good then you got yourself someone who is simply stuck with you to take it all out on and just squish with love. haha

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Millet: Oh that is understandable I have never played dnd but I do know some people who do get really into it I find it nice you took something you loved and made it into something you can love for years to come and maybe one day others can love as well. c:

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Yes yes as they say practice makes perfect yes? haha Haven't seen none of the art forms on here yet but i'm sure there is some has to be so I look forward to seeing some people's art and what they can do it will be interesting. Are you on any of the like more art forms on here showing what you can do?

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Aw lol Well that's cute I could be that way at times as well the answer to that is to load yourself with other humans that way you always have a human to bug and it doesn't look like your that clingy. haha

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Millet: Oh your work does sound like it would be very hard to deal with all those people I can see why it would be frustrating. But it's good you are keeping up with it and congrats on your reward that's great and as we had talks before in this thread food is always great. lol So you are a writer as well that is amazing to have that like I can hardly write sentences as seen haha but I try but I could not imagine like writing a book. Is the book about anything specific or like a romantic book of sorts? Amazing I bet it will take a long while to edit.

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Espy: Ya let it fade off so sense in wasting any more time on it after a while you just keep repeating yourself and I know hoe that it and it's never fun. But hope your not to down about it you have your health and your own thoughts and that's all you need at the end of the day along with love from a few friends and family. haha c:

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Oh that's cool ya I think many on this site are like really good in forms of art and things have a passion for it and that's amazing to me to see people so interested in something abit uplifting as well. I think some do it for the money on here as well or RL not sure but been told many artist so that is good. Me on the other hand don't think I could draw a stick figure or a tree but I mean I'm happy to see others who can. haha

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Yes I would say abit of the same for me depending what mood I am in talking to new people alone is difficult let alone also finding people who won't judge you before knowing you can be also difficult. Haha Well if they don't like food I would imagine they are pretttty thin and you could probably take em lol the perks of malnutrition. lol I'm just awful sorry XD

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Espy: Oh lol sounds like there would be sorry you had to deal with that well in the end I hope you won the medal haha c:

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today?
Posted 6 years ago
@Espy: Oh that sucks bet that was tiring lol can I ask what it was about? anything important?