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Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
yes the one post will push us to victory!!!

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
yeah that's what xvz was saying earlier
and it's probably true
the lurkers aren't going to want to speed post

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
honestly though I don't think any new people are going to turn up xD
the people who are willing to post are already in the thread

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
maybe adjust the page prizes to page 525 haha
since it'll need to be at least that

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
ugh rip potential drawings

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
I won't participate lol

voltra not important enough for this

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
I mean it does say "end of the event"

but like what are they tracking then?

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
hahaha true

we'll still be 600+ posts behind

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
seeing your page prizes was like oh

also what does the progress bar even do though
what if it's not the end |D

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
only 90 pages to 500 I didn't even really realize that was the case

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
haha what will you do at the next event when you're too tired to post then xD

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
sure if you do want to give it all away
could probably lessen the prizes to one each page

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
you're training a skill!

Posted in Team Electric Cabin Posted 4 years ago
at least you're drawing |D
