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@Amber Lynne: daamn lol. i could see that though
rp really does help!

@misery: pretty good! I think I'm feeling that creative vibe tonight too. been in this art/writing block so I'm up to the same haha

@Amber Lynne: ah yes it's still fun despite it all ^-^

@misery: no worries whatsoever!
how's it going tonight? :D

@Amber Lynne: for sure.
i kinda suck starting from scratch. wish me luck lol

Posted in Newcomer supply depot Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: yes, yes there we go XD

Posted in Safe Space Hangout Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: for sure ^-^
how's the night/day going so far?

@Amber Lynne: yess!!!
i have only two atm ;;

Posted in Hello! Posted 5 years ago

@Yumi: awww omg, you named your acct after her <3 that's so sweet. the more i hear about her the better it gets. she sounds like an absolute goof haha

@Amber Lynne: ahhh ok that clears up my curiosity ~ thanks!
time to brainstorm a new character *-* i soo need more

Posted in Hello! Posted 5 years ago

@Sylvie: welcome to voltra! i came from gaia too and i love it here. i hope you do, too!

@Amber Lynne: sorry if that seemed like a stupid question. i just noticed the format of your writing is a bit different than mine, so thought I'd ask.

Posted in What concerts have you been to? Posted 5 years ago

back in September, we went to go see Alice in Chains live for the first time! it was their homecoming concert at the end of their most recent tour, and it was honestly beyond my wildest dreams. i can't stop thinking about how they played Nutshell in tribute to Layne Staley and Mike Starr. i swear everybody in the audience was tearing up. man, so many emotions at once. pretty sure that was my favorite concert experience yet

so volties.. what concerts have you attended? what was the most memorable? were you ever disappointed?

@Amber Lynne: good point.
how would you like to write with this one? script, x paragraphs, etc.