Ephenay's posts
Posted in I'm obsessed with Animating things at the moment.
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: sure, it's always refreshing to see your characters ^-^
speaking of which, i think i'm able to start rping whenever you are! big apologies for the long wait, i've been having this creative block lately but it's starting to lift~

Posted in Safe Space Hangout
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: boop. i soo had to get a fuzzle. c'mon it's a fuzzy snake, how could i resist
btw, the new banner looks great! :0

Posted in Lina’s Quest
Posted 5 years ago

best of luck on your quest, lina! <3

Posted in I'm obsessed with Animating things at the moment.
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: aww, i hope you start feeling better soon. that sucks!
also, i really like her design too. looove the dragon features <3

Posted in Newcomer supply depot
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: yeyuhhh loners unite!!
that's actually pretty ironic

Posted in Newcomer supply depot
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: i totally get that. being online is soo much comfier than in person. irl i prefer to do my own thing ~

Posted in Lina's Chibi Shop (October revival)
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: wow!! these look amazing <3 thank you so much :)

Posted in Newcomer supply depot
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: that's understandable!
lol aw, soo sweet i swear.

Posted in I'm obsessed with Animating things at the moment.
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: she's so cute!!
if you streamed tonight, i think i missed it D;

Posted in The World of Volkren [Chrys & Eph]
Posted 5 years ago

Outside the door of a shabby stone cottage, wind chimes sounded. A shadowy figure grumbled from the corner of the room, turning in bed. It wasn't long before the figure sat up sluggishly and rubbed an eye. What woke him up this time? Why has he been so unlucky these past few weeks? Collecting his thoughts, he got up and decided to start the day early. There wasn't anything else to do anyway.
Larriel shut the door behind him and walked into dark, and eventually into the fenced-in garden connected to his home. He couldn't see much aside from the lit lantern he brought out and while it was a little windy out, he didn't seem to mind. He wanted to check how his new secret project was doing. Once at an empty patch, he kneeled and brought the lantern closer to the small bulb peeking out from a blanket of soft soil. This made him grow a smile, caressing the baby stem with pride. Just a bit more, he reminded himself. With a hushed voice, he began singing elven words to the ground. He didn't know what the song meant, but he knew it meant something to his crops. He sang with a smirk on his face, prolonging the melodies dearly.
Larriel's pointed ear flicked at a sound coming closer in the distance. They were footsteps! Ditch the lantern! Act natural!
"Meow" he peeped frantically moving on all fours to the shadows skirting his house. Nobody saw him, right? His eyes quietly rose up from behind the wheelbarrow to watch the footsteps pass by the other side of his land. Who is that? The silhouette looked like Markas' from three doors down, but something looked different about him. What was he doing out at this hour? Whatever the reason, he just wanted to wait it out so he could go back to his work in peace.

Posted in Ina's Cave [OPEN! Come say hi] <3 NEW Contest: Random # Genrator Lucky #: 199
Posted 5 years ago

@inatlaka: my night is going good :) just hanging out at my grandparents tonight but now everyone's snoring lol.
how did you get to LA already?? that was crazy fast. did you teleport? XD

Posted in Ina's Cave [OPEN! Come say hi] <3 NEW Contest: Random # Genrator Lucky #: 199
Posted 5 years ago

@misery: hey! I've been hanging out here ^-^ you are welcome to join us

Posted in Ina's Cave [OPEN! Come say hi] <3 NEW Contest: Random # Genrator Lucky #: 199
Posted 5 years ago

@inatlaka: ooh yes!! i love those ones too <3 i also miss seeing houndoom in my team!
how's your night going btw?

Posted in Hello!
Posted 5 years ago

@Yumi: that's so crazy to think their cute little butts herded back then :0 she sounds so sassy too wow. the smaller they are the bigger the personality it seems XD i hope she accepts snuggles. ngl, I've always had a soft spot for pups. what's her name? how old??