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@okios: They need to make more bell bottoms. By they I mean anyone who will give me a pair for free or cheap. All the ones I find are way too big in the waist, or my thunder thighs don't fit.

@Bammy: Pets are nice, but they take a lot of effort. After a cat, my family and I took a break from pets. Though we did have a devil for a pet and not an actual... pet.

@Lunakiri: coworkers and I try. But some stuff is just too much to take back. Like someone brought in a vacuum from the 80s. Will try and find it online... It was very pink. :l Would have taken it home, but it didn't work and the insides were a mess.

@DemonicGaara: Because I have to prove my manliness all the time. I'm a woman...
@Lunakiri: the place I work at gets old electronics returned for recycling. Most of the electronics like stereos, computers, and all that jazz still work. Or can be salvaged. So I'm sure if you stalk out enough people you can find yourself cool nick-knacks.

@DemonicGaara: Lucky. I'm the go to lifter for people.

@Winter: What a lovely and fuzzy kitten you have there! Good luck with all the seasonal sheadding tho.
@DemonicGaara: You just don't understand. You just need to start lifting, bro.
@okios: It's 2007. We live in a world were not everyone still has an ipod and I used my discman 'cus too poor.
@Panda: You will have to show it off once you're finished. Or sooner~
@DemonicGaara: Why would I want to win? Because I'm a jock, and jocks win.
-smashes head into another desk-
@RainbowPanda: Snakes?!
@Nalight: Were you self taught, or did you take courses for design? Very jealous of your line of work by the way. Sounds like you're doing something that you actually enjoy.

@Winter: What kind of kitten do you have?
@okios: Open the door, get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur?

@RainbowPanda: How about beetles then?
@Bammy: ): Would you share some with the less fortunate?
@Bammy: one of my coworkers brings us lemon meringue pie to work often. Not sure how people who have the space to make these pies stay healthy.

@RainbowPanda: You're 100% right. We need something bigger. Wasps, not enough. Yellow jackets?

@DemonicGaara: Let's hope you're wrong so I can win. ;)
@RainbowPanda: ): My spider confetti. Don't want to pull out the bee confetti just yet.
@DemonicGaara: Never bring a gun to a sword fight!! c:::::::::::::[]=¤ԅ╏ ˵ ⊚ ◡ ⊚ ˵ ╏┐
Or was that the other way arou-
@Nalight: That sounds amazing. What kind of medium? Digital or more traditional?
@RainbowPanda: was that confetti spiders by any chance? Have you seen my spiders?
@Bammy: Congratulations! what were you doing again?
@Nalight: we are doing good. Had the easiest work day today, not even funny. It's good to not be the new person at work any more.

@DemonicGaara: it is pretty good. ᕙʕಠᴥಠʔᕗ
The dongers cannot be stopped.
Round one, here I come!
୧( ಠ┏ل͜┓ಠ )୨

@DemonicGaara: oh we will.
@Winter: Site's in beta. Might want to post that in a bug report or board.
report: Rambunctious dongers broke the quote system. Please fix.
PS: sorry.
@Alia Starchild: Probably. But I'm not a very nice person, even though I'm a Canadian, eh?

@DemonicGaara: oh yeah? It's a donger fight now? ( ͡°╭╮ʖ ͡°)
@RainbowPanda: That's a lovely dress.
@DemonicGaara: AH! That was a ribbit! Blasphemy!
@Alia Starchild: Look at what you've done. Now I need to start sprinkling wasps to cleanse this board.