Hoovydoobydoo's posts
Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: AaaaAAAHH I'll try not to be! Gotta break that crappy old habit before it freakin breaks me 🙃🙃🙃 Thank you though. I appreciate the encouragement :D

Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y
Posted 5 years ago
@Miss Sandman: It's such a crappy feeling right? Can't help but feel guilty about it every single time either.

Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y
Posted 5 years ago
Reason 1:
My dumbass has been trying to remember the name of this website for months since i last logged in here and I feel like an ass
Reason 2:
I hate how slow I am at work, been trying to catch up with the workload, so sometimes the work piles up and I just wanna go "KABOOM".Probably why i've been falling sick a lot this year
Reason 3:
I really regret not submitting my art entry as soon as I finished it to a certain art contest that was held on twitter for a...uhhhhh...r o b l o x game. Theme had to do with designing wings with a Halloween theme. Being the scaredy ass I was, I tended to avoid any form of contests lately, but this one had me pumped because I liked the idea of designing wings based on a theme. Turns out the deadline got suddenly cut short by like almost a week, on the second last day before the new deadline, and I only found out about it 2 days after the new deadline. Original dead line was 25th Sept, new one was cut to 17th. I found out on the 18th.
As you can see I'm still pretty salty about it, mostly at myself for not submitting my one design I had ready. I thought I could come up with a few designs then submit them all in bulk. HA HA HhHA
My dumbass has been trying to remember the name of this website for months since i last logged in here and I feel like an ass
Reason 2:
I hate how slow I am at work, been trying to catch up with the workload, so sometimes the work piles up and I just wanna go "KABOOM".Probably why i've been falling sick a lot this year
Reason 3:
I really regret not submitting my art entry as soon as I finished it to a certain art contest that was held on twitter for a...uhhhhh...r o b l o x game. Theme had to do with designing wings with a Halloween theme. Being the scaredy ass I was, I tended to avoid any form of contests lately, but this one had me pumped because I liked the idea of designing wings based on a theme. Turns out the deadline got suddenly cut short by like almost a week, on the second last day before the new deadline, and I only found out about it 2 days after the new deadline. Original dead line was 25th Sept, new one was cut to 17th. I found out on the 18th.
As you can see I'm still pretty salty about it, mostly at myself for not submitting my one design I had ready. I thought I could come up with a few designs then submit them all in bulk. HA HA HhHA

Posted in O hai :U
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Well I uh, take forever to choose the clothes I wanna wear
Decisions, decisions!

Posted in O hai :U
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: Lmaoo I think that's gonna be my longest post I'll ever make in Voltra xD Yaaaay, currency $$
You sound like me when I try to recall somebody's name, it's always like at the tip of your tongue, but we can't quite fully grasp it. RIP in spaghetti our memory T_T
@Shark: lol indeed 🙃
Idk why, sometimes staying too long in avatar communities can get overwhelming. Maybe I'm just rambling 🙃🙃
@vengeance: Crazy huh? Oh boy oh boyyy! At least you all are nice, thank goodness for that. I honestly have no clue how to respond if that weren't the case 🙃
@Glume: New best friend? What happened to the old one??
(that was a bad joke, im gonna go back to hiding byeee)

You sound like me when I try to recall somebody's name, it's always like at the tip of your tongue, but we can't quite fully grasp it. RIP in spaghetti our memory T_T
@Shark: lol indeed 🙃
Idk why, sometimes staying too long in avatar communities can get overwhelming. Maybe I'm just rambling 🙃🙃
@vengeance: Crazy huh? Oh boy oh boyyy! At least you all are nice, thank goodness for that. I honestly have no clue how to respond if that weren't the case 🙃
@Glume: New best friend? What happened to the old one??

Posted in O hai :U
Posted 6 years ago
O hot dang, there's so many of you xD Helloooo!
@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: Oooooh snap, I better get crackin on getting those sweet sweet Halloween items :D
Thank you!
@Fozzy: Yus, yes indeed :D I saw the art style and I joined the site immediately
Thank you!
@Shark: Yours rings a bell too :O I used the same name on Caedon and Ernya, hueheuheue
@Glume: Oh my god I am LIVING for that medusa hair!
Uhh, for movies: They Live, The Thing, The Little Rascals
Music: Anything ranging from 80s synthpop to some folk and some metal, freakin' love darkwave
Floatable thingamijig: Some big ass blue basin that's been around since I was a kindergartener, maybe??
@Totalanimefan: Hey hey! Maybe from time to time I'd pop in, ahaha
@Aly: Hey! Thanks for the greeting
@vengeance: oh my goooooddddd
@Kozi: O hai there Kozi! I'm surprised, since I hardly talk in previous sites xD
You're damn right about that. Looking at the art here cheers me up!
@Hazer: / @sunny: / @Raxton: Thanks for sayin hi! :D :D :D Hope you all are having a good week
@SirLionelNigelConrad: N I C E
Now thanks to you I think I'm gonna go binge listen to the Offspring xD
@Saeyra: Aw thanks Saeyra :D
@macsen191: So far so good! The layout's so clean and straight forward
Everyone's so nice, what the heck
@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: Oooooh snap, I better get crackin on getting those sweet sweet Halloween items :D
Thank you!
@Fozzy: Yus, yes indeed :D I saw the art style and I joined the site immediately

Thank you!
@Shark: Yours rings a bell too :O I used the same name on Caedon and Ernya, hueheuheue
@Glume: Oh my god I am LIVING for that medusa hair!
Uhh, for movies: They Live, The Thing, The Little Rascals
Music: Anything ranging from 80s synthpop to some folk and some metal, freakin' love darkwave

Floatable thingamijig: Some big ass blue basin that's been around since I was a kindergartener, maybe??
@Totalanimefan: Hey hey! Maybe from time to time I'd pop in, ahaha
@Aly: Hey! Thanks for the greeting

@vengeance: oh my goooooddddd

@Kozi: O hai there Kozi! I'm surprised, since I hardly talk in previous sites xD
You're damn right about that. Looking at the art here cheers me up!
@Hazer: / @sunny: / @Raxton: Thanks for sayin hi! :D :D :D Hope you all are having a good week

@SirLionelNigelConrad: N I C E
Now thanks to you I think I'm gonna go binge listen to the Offspring xD
@Saeyra: Aw thanks Saeyra :D
@macsen191: So far so good! The layout's so clean and straight forward
Everyone's so nice, what the heck

Posted in O hai :U
Posted 6 years ago
Hi I'm Fly, sorry about the nakedness! Kinda got bored with the current avatar sites I was on and thought I should venture around for more avatar sites with nice art, this being one of them :D
I'm not good at self intros, my brain freezes up every time orz
I'm not good at self intros, my brain freezes up every time orz