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@RainbowPanda: eh i think u should just stop trying lol :vanora_stunned:
i dont feel like its worth the aggro

so how have u been bud
so cute
willow loves to play in the closet
@ishoji: ya i tried yoga but my room is a messs xoxoxoxox
im a mess lol
@Stalker: well, it techincally was. you only waited a minute inbetween posts :vanora_sweat:
id b down to chat with u about anything else if u wanna chat with someone tho
@ishoji: true thats what sucks
im sure u will if u push urself more after u get used to what used to make u sore?
@Stalker: well they were still three in a row with no one else chatting inbetween, and sometimes it takes time for people to write posts, lots of forum stuff is paitence imo
@ishoji: im weird but it feels nice to me
i love straining my muscles when i feel them being sore
if only i had the motivation to actually do stuff that made em sore lol
when my mom n i move out well have access to a gym so thats probs where im gonna do it :D
@ishoji: thankies
it didnt hurt ofc n i honestly like bruises
they look cool
they give a sore feeling
i like feeling sore
im now nice n clean
i thought i had a huge bruise on my leg but it was not
idk what it was but it came off
anyways gonna br real wuick
@ishoji: not rlly xox
its hard to run into ppl again in the game, unless theyre one of Those People who tend to be super vocal
but they didnt say anything when i was like 'yo u need to learn how to use that weapon'
@ishoji: ya :vanora_stunned: i felt rlly bad tho lol i just kept going 'im a fukin hypocrite' a lot and imo its tru
@Heavy: the person was saying it in all fun, but it was obviously in a negative light. they were using the word like its a bad thing to be new to the game
its toxic
@ishoji: i guess xox
part of it is frustration, but can u rlly blame people for being just weak cause they're new?
like the issue i had in a game was cause someone was using a 'super op' weapon VERY POORLY so they were doing little to no damage n i sorta snapped a lil bit but i hope i wasnt too harsh xox
but most of the time the snarky shit i say i dont say right in front of em. its still bad but idk. its better to make those 'jokes' with people u kno instead of out in the open
@ishoji: i just dont get it :( i feel terrible when i start even i start acting like that (which i do in a certain mobile game) cause it just leaves a nasty tatse in your mouth
how can anyone do that without being like 'man IM being a TERRIBLE person'