Ixora's posts
Posted in Continue on letter game!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Your workout playlist
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: well... it is "Extreme Metal" XD
Pop beats seem to be more my workout soundtrip.
Pop beats seem to be more my workout soundtrip.

Posted in Interesting finds randomly scouring youtube?
Posted 6 years ago
When I'm bored, I often get into the weird side of youtube (well the internet in general).
I try not to remember all the things I've seen >.>
I try not to remember all the things I've seen >.>

Posted in Your workout playlist
Posted 6 years ago
@Shark: I've never heard of all that D:
@matcha: as long as it gets you moving XD
@vengeance: I checked out the born to run 150bpm playlist and downloaded it.
Haven't checked the other ones yet.
@matcha: as long as it gets you moving XD
@vengeance: I checked out the born to run 150bpm playlist and downloaded it.
Haven't checked the other ones yet.

Posted in how's your winter going?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: there is no moderation for me ; n ; I has no control D:
I've never heard stories where pedestrians are respected. I'm from the Philippines and the only places there where pedestrians are respected are inside universities >.>
I've never heard India traffic stories DX
@deaa: that's good to hear.
Why not order it now tho?
I've never heard stories where pedestrians are respected. I'm from the Philippines and the only places there where pedestrians are respected are inside universities >.>
I've never heard India traffic stories DX
@deaa: that's good to hear.
Why not order it now tho?

Posted in how's your winter going?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: I get that.
Fried chicken skin is good tho D:
Yeah sounds like XD I've never had problems as a pedestrian in Toronto XD
Apparently, much of the world I've seen are pretty disrespectful to pedestrians. My aunt went to Vietnam and she said if you wanna cross the road, you gotta close your eyes cause all you're gonna see are cars and motorcycles flashing by you and they're just gonna evade you DX
Fried chicken skin is good tho D:
Yeah sounds like XD I've never had problems as a pedestrian in Toronto XD
Apparently, much of the world I've seen are pretty disrespectful to pedestrians. My aunt went to Vietnam and she said if you wanna cross the road, you gotta close your eyes cause all you're gonna see are cars and motorcycles flashing by you and they're just gonna evade you DX

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in how's your winter going?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: the important thing is to not let genetics get in the way of our life :D
My mom is hypertensive so I've been doing everything to keep healthy. Like OMG I haven't eated chicken skin in so long.
I mean, we can delay or hopefully prevent things :D
I can imagine. It's rare that drivers here would pass the pedestrian lane even if a pedestrian only has one foot left on the lane XD I mean, it's those guys who are gonna get in trouble for hitting the people on the pedestrian lane >.>
Ah yeah. Most people I've encountered are pretty nice. But even if they're impatient... sometimes I just think "TIRED OF WAITING? RUN OVER ME I DARE YOUUUUUUU" lol XD
My mom is hypertensive so I've been doing everything to keep healthy. Like OMG I haven't eated chicken skin in so long.
I mean, we can delay or hopefully prevent things :D
I can imagine. It's rare that drivers here would pass the pedestrian lane even if a pedestrian only has one foot left on the lane XD I mean, it's those guys who are gonna get in trouble for hitting the people on the pedestrian lane >.>
Ah yeah. Most people I've encountered are pretty nice. But even if they're impatient... sometimes I just think "TIRED OF WAITING? RUN OVER ME I DARE YOUUUUUUU" lol XD

Posted in Your workout playlist
Posted 6 years ago
What's on it?
I was on the elliptical earlier and when "Run the World" came on, I thought I was invincible until the song ended rip.
Other songs that regularly appear while I'm doing cardio are Mr. Brightside and Shut Up and Drive.
I don't listen to music while lifting cause... focus @.@
So anyway, what're your workout songs? What gets your body going? XD
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I was on the elliptical earlier and when "Run the World" came on, I thought I was invincible until the song ended rip.
Other songs that regularly appear while I'm doing cardio are Mr. Brightside and Shut Up and Drive.
I don't listen to music while lifting cause... focus @.@
So anyway, what're your workout songs? What gets your body going? XD
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Posted in how's your winter going?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: yeah definitely. Positivity is key! Hopefully it's nothing big tho.
I am here if you need virtual hugs
I can imagine XD The drivers in Toronto never do that to people crossing. As a pedestrian tho, I feel so pressured to walk fast @.@
I'm only like 61 inches tall and my stride is tiny and I walk casually so I'm like "omg driver pls dont say mean things about how slow i walk i promise i'm trying ; n ;"
I am here if you need virtual hugs

I can imagine XD The drivers in Toronto never do that to people crossing. As a pedestrian tho, I feel so pressured to walk fast @.@
I'm only like 61 inches tall and my stride is tiny and I walk casually so I'm like "omg driver pls dont say mean things about how slow i walk i promise i'm trying ; n ;"

Posted in I finally have a computer again!
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: you're welcome
Weird is good right? XD
Weird is good right? XD

Posted in how's your winter going?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: ugh I hate the feeling not knowing what's wrong with me. Hopefully the doctors figure it out soon.
I've never tried driving in the snow. Seems scary D:
I've never tried driving in the snow. Seems scary D: