Ixora's posts
Posted in Hey Boys and ghouls!
Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: awww fire extinguishers seem fun?

Posted in Hey Boys and ghouls!
Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: but would we need to prepare a fire extinguisher 🤔

Posted in Count to 100 before a mod responds.
Posted 6 years ago
.......................... not sure if that counts o.O

Posted in Hey Boys and ghouls!
Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: lmao oh so is it a fake flame?

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
... more like... all the Nintendo exclusives I want ; ___ ;
Well for the story but also for the win XD
Aww that's sad. Maybe when I finish the game I can look for the song online to listen to it?
Oh no D: what about sleep sched tho?
Take care! Catch you when you get back XD
... more like... all the Nintendo exclusives I want ; ___ ;
Well for the story but also for the win XD
Aww that's sad. Maybe when I finish the game I can look for the song online to listen to it?
Oh no D: what about sleep sched tho?
Take care! Catch you when you get back XD

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Pokemon A - Z
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Count to 100 before a mod responds.
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: better buy it now before I miss the sale window @.@
I've pretty much abandoned console now... I will legit be sad frustrated, mad, etc.... about console-exclusives ; ___ ; I mean, I get it but... laptop.....
Ngl... I play a lot of jrpgs now on easy because play it for the story not the gameplay XD
I'll let you know where I start on it? XD
idk what that is? @.@ can't relate... YET?
I've pretty much abandoned console now... I will legit be sad frustrated, mad, etc.... about console-exclusives ; ___ ; I mean, I get it but... laptop.....
Ngl... I play a lot of jrpgs now on easy because play it for the story not the gameplay XD
I'll let you know where I start on it? XD
idk what that is? @.@ can't relate... YET?

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: I wiiiiiiiill XD
That is why I've like... moved on to PC games cause laptop lol. XD
SAME! LOL. The grind in jrpgs will be the death of me one day ; ___ ;
Yeah, I'd think the drawing thing would be easier. I wonder how I'm gonna fare on the mouse tho... kinda worried @.@
That is why I've like... moved on to PC games cause laptop lol. XD
SAME! LOL. The grind in jrpgs will be the death of me one day ; ___ ;
Yeah, I'd think the drawing thing would be easier. I wonder how I'm gonna fare on the mouse tho... kinda worried @.@

Posted in Gallery of le Potat
Posted 6 years ago
the art tho is amazing but i got baited with the spoiler ; __ ;

Posted in Spyrox Exchange [OPEN]
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: You're welcome.
I find that some people challenge themselves with the posting contests everyone's been making XD
I find that some people challenge themselves with the posting contests everyone's been making XD

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: It's... in my cart? LOL XD Sale ends in a little over an hour. Gonna buy it after I go through my queue.
.... that is a lot of copies of one game XD
FFX and FFX-2 is one of my favorite games. I owned it on PS2, own the remaster on PS3, but I can't bring myself to buy it on steam .__.
That... does sound complicated. The only game I've played on wii is like the wii sports one. I played it at a friend's birthday party XD
Yeah. Why can't we have the nice things ; ___ ;
.... that is a lot of copies of one game XD
FFX and FFX-2 is one of my favorite games. I owned it on PS2, own the remaster on PS3, but I can't bring myself to buy it on steam .__.
That... does sound complicated. The only game I've played on wii is like the wii sports one. I played it at a friend's birthday party XD
Yeah. Why can't we have the nice things ; ___ ;

Posted in Spyrox Exchange [OPEN]
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: Nice :D Thanks XD
I'm really internet-shy but when I lack sleep I just talk and talk online?????? and somehow in the 3 months I've been here I've made more than 2k posts @.@
I'm really internet-shy but when I lack sleep I just talk and talk online?????? and somehow in the 3 months I've been here I've made more than 2k posts @.@