Ixora's posts
Posted in I have breaks in between classes
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: rn it’s 2 hours. Fridays are the worst cause I have a 3 hr break ; n ;
What u planning on making?
What u planning on making?

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 5 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: oof what happened to your wrist? D:
Yeah. The worst part is my back hurts so bad cause I have a hard time sitting on the bus cause my feet can’t reach the floor ; n ;
Lmao. The hard life. Yeah that makes sense tho. Like I don’t see how to eat a big meal comfortably in a short amount of time.
Chaos is my organization scheme XD
Yeah. The worst part is my back hurts so bad cause I have a hard time sitting on the bus cause my feet can’t reach the floor ; n ;
Lmao. The hard life. Yeah that makes sense tho. Like I don’t see how to eat a big meal comfortably in a short amount of time.
Chaos is my organization scheme XD

Posted in I have breaks in between classes
Posted 5 years ago
And they suck (∩︵∩)
Anyway, what’s up eveeeeeryone?
Anyway, what’s up eveeeeeryone?

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 5 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: I haven't even been lurking on Voltra much ; n ; I've just been scrolling thru memes on discord XD
It's been very oof cause it takes me a 1.5 hr commute to get there and another 1.5 commute to get home ; n ;
Quick lunch D: Lmao true. Yeah, eating doesn't really take too long. I guess it depends on what you eat for lunch?
Lmao. Yeeeeeah. I feel that. I used to buy a lot of pretty trinkets and stuff and it just became a pain to clean and organize things. Of course it didn't help that I'm not the most organized person
It's been very oof cause it takes me a 1.5 hr commute to get there and another 1.5 commute to get home ; n ;
Quick lunch D: Lmao true. Yeah, eating doesn't really take too long. I guess it depends on what you eat for lunch?
Lmao. Yeeeeeah. I feel that. I used to buy a lot of pretty trinkets and stuff and it just became a pain to clean and organize things. Of course it didn't help that I'm not the most organized person

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: ty! The first week went great!
Sorry. I keep being too tired to get on Voltra ;__;
Oooh. So just short breaks? Well at least there are some! <3
Oh dude that is a while! Hopefully they’re as good as u see them online! I feel you tho - so many pretty things in the world .__.
Sorry. I keep being too tired to get on Voltra ;__;
Oooh. So just short breaks? Well at least there are some! <3
Oh dude that is a while! Hopefully they’re as good as u see them online! I feel you tho - so many pretty things in the world .__.

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart: Doink, Mop, and Rufus. Cool names! Any story behind them?
@totalanimefan: Thank youuu! I'm actually almost done
@totalanimefan: Thank youuu! I'm actually almost done

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: I think as long as you're capable and you don't give into the temptation of sleep, doing work on bed is fine!
@totalanimefan: I'm slowly doing it. I think I can finish in 12 hours...
@totalanimefan: I'm slowly doing it. I think I can finish in 12 hours...

Posted in Wanna chat?
Posted 6 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: Environmental Landscape Management. Classes start on the 3rd - but I made my schedule so that I have no classes on Tuesdays so classes start on the 4th for me lol.
Maybe? And you can go the speed you like and slow down as smoothly as you like. Plus, you're focused on driving, I guess. Oof. Yeah, I can imagine. Do you get breaks during 12 hours tho?
It is v cute!
Maybe? And you can go the speed you like and slow down as smoothly as you like. Plus, you're focused on driving, I guess. Oof. Yeah, I can imagine. Do you get breaks during 12 hours tho?
It is v cute!

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: Aww thank you 
@vengeance: oh lmao. Guess I'm not eating until I finish this then lol.
@kitalpha hart: I don't have a cat tho. I wants that life ; u ;
@MoodyBats: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ur avi is awesome
Yeah I feel u. I never use my desk lol. The downside of doing things like schoolwork on bed is that it's super easy to give in to sleep.
@totalanimefan: ........... I started it.... but I got too sleepy to finish it...

@vengeance: oh lmao. Guess I'm not eating until I finish this then lol.
@kitalpha hart: I don't have a cat tho. I wants that life ; u ;
@MoodyBats: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ur avi is awesome
Yeah I feel u. I never use my desk lol. The downside of doing things like schoolwork on bed is that it's super easy to give in to sleep.
@totalanimefan: ........... I started it.... but I got too sleepy to finish it...

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: Oh noes. I hope you are okay D:

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Then I don't think I'll be bringing anything in a tube with me

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@LordLucre: bed is good. I also am still in bed lol
@sunny: bed deserves that love
@Laufeia: oh wow. I didn't know they shipped worldwide. I would've tried earlier if I knew DX
@Totalanimefan: Oooh. I did not know that. I brought hand cream with me before but I never experienced that. I think I'm out of hand cream I can take on my carry on though :(
@sunny: bed deserves that love

@Laufeia: oh wow. I didn't know they shipped worldwide. I would've tried earlier if I knew DX
@Totalanimefan: Oooh. I did not know that. I brought hand cream with me before but I never experienced that. I think I'm out of hand cream I can take on my carry on though :(

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@LordLucre: did u get out of bed?

Posted in when the bed is so good...
Posted 6 years ago
@LordLucre: ATM????
Like... teller machines? is that what it is?
Like... teller machines? is that what it is?