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Posted in The Surge: February Crates are here! Posted 6 years ago
Oh my goodness these are fantastic. And more plaid! :D
Posted in Interesting things you might not know Posted 6 years ago
Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries aren't actually true berries but bananas, watermelons, pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, etc are true berries.
Posted in kitty Posted 6 years ago
Awww. Poor kitty. Its terrible when people leave their pets behind :(

Good luck finding her a home :)
I got some clothes for Christmas, one of those big hollow Hershey's kisses, and a few cat toys and treats for my cats.
Posted in New Daily Chance Items Posted 6 years ago
I got the frosted edges one. Dont think I've gotten any of the other ones
@Lucifer: 2.5k each?
Posted in Pokemon A - Z Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: Yes, I still have frankie. Sounds good, I'll start a trade
@Totalanimefan: That'll work. I'll start a trade.

@Raxton: Yep. I'll send a trade. Thanks for buying
@Totalanimefan: I think the only older crate items I'm missing yet is Demonic and frog prince. So if you have either one of those I'd be will to trade librarian for it.
@Totalanimefan: Sorry about the late reply here.

So, looking at the price guide its currently starting at 11k on the low end. So you said you had about 4k, being as it's still the current rare for about a week or so yet, I'd be willing to do about 9k. A mix of volts items and ohms would be fine.
@Totalanimefan: I'd be willing to take an offer on it, can't say I'm looking for any item in particular currently though. I'd be fine with a mix of volts ohms or items for it, or I can hold it for you until you have enough volts. Either is fine.
Posted in [s] SELLING crafts scraps and event items Posted 6 years ago
@GuttedBunny: I only have a bit over 1k currently so could I buy around 1k worth of scraps please?
Posted in [s] SELLING crafts scraps and event items Posted 6 years ago
@GuttedBunny: How much are you looking for for the craft scraps?