Kittyberry's posts
Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

Gaia was where I discovered roleplaying. It had a huge impact on my life. Eventually I moved to rping on tumblr, but that faded after 4-5 years. Only just rejoined tumblr, as well.
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@Rei Ann: Yeah I can't remember a lot of the details. I do remember logging in once in like 2015 or 2016 and seeing how bad everything had crashed. Crazy times.
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Posted in Baffling Beasts || Creature Creation Game (Final Day!)
Posted 2 years ago

I cannot wait to see this creature!!

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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: Oh my, that's crazy! I guess I'll keep my fingers crossed then. Maybe they'll be paying attention...
@Rei Ann: I feel like they put in a one minute cool down in like 2007? But I don't remember waiting particularly long.
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: I ended up filling a request for info on the email attached to the account. There were lots of questions about how you used your account, inventory, if we had access to the email address or not, so I'm imagining lots of people have been trying to get back into their old accounts.
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, hopefully that goes well. Just gotta wake up earlier since the stream is in the UK.
I just went on Gaia and tried to get into my account but it couldn't be found and I can't remember for the life of me what the email was. I made that account in 2005, lol.
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: omg a part of me wants to see if I can get back into my account!
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

Ah, sorry for losing track of messages. Not been feeling super great BUT tomorrow I'm going to co-stream with a friend who streams to talk about breast cancer stuff. And we're wearing costumes for it!
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

Yes nine more pages!
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@Rei Ann: Yeah, trunk or treating. I guess it's more convenient/safer for the parents. But I have such fond memories of a parent or two going around with a group of us. Such great times.
I think we should have Halloween off... Partially because I just think people deserve an extra day off, lol.
Yeah, I actually made one when the movie came out that was alright, but then I remade it with better materials and better methods... Plus some blood. Fun for me.
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@Rei Ann: Aww, that sucks. We don't get many trick or treaters anymore, which really sucks because we live in a very safe area. And we're in Texas, so it's not cold, just mild— probably 70°. Seeing the kids have fun always made me so happy.
I love Disney level spoop but also am a big horror fan. I'll probably either get into a Crimson Peak (Guillermo de Toro) cosplay I made, or watch that film as it's my fave Gothic Romance/horror-ish film. Maybe you can watch the old and new Hocus Pocus for fun!
@Totalanimefan: Oh yeah, I've been a part of a lot of studies. I had to do a lot of extra blood work to go towards studies and all other sorts of scans. Then after my mastectomy they apparently used the tissue to help learn more about IBC, so that was cool. My quality of life is pretty great. I have to live with my parents again, but I don't mind that. Sometimes the nausea, fatigue, and pain suck and I spend all day in bed, but otherwise I'm good!
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Posted in Horror movie fans, am I weird?
Posted 2 years ago

@Glume: Yeah, my mom got me into true crime as well, but I dove in headfirst as a teenager/young adult. I always found the topic interesting, particularly from the POV of a psychology student. But I can't even begin to fathom how certain people do nonsense like trying to have a relationship with a convicted murderer that's in prison, as you mentioned. What about putting that admiration and support towards the VICTIMS??
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Posted in Anniversary Gift from the Guardians || Rates LOCKED-IN
Posted 2 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Omg yes, you hit the nail on the head with that description! I'd never thought of it that way, but yes, that's exactly what it is!
@Cooperationiskey: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend. Cancer really is a b**ch (is that PG-13 okay?) I haven't come across a single person who hasn't lost someone they love to some form of cancer or due to complications related to cancer. But thank you for being so candid about it. I'm more likely to make a joke about my illnesses than anything else most of the time.
@Rei Ann: I'm doing well, how are you? I'm so excited for Halloween! I actually don't have any plans for the day of at the moment, but I may just dress up in a cosplay and go out with my sister and brother-in-law (they live in a very cool area in the nearest city). Spoopy season is my favorite time of year! Are you excited, too?
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Posted in Verification email not coming in?
Posted 2 years ago

@Vozzy: Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
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