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@MoodyBats: Thanks. :3
I’m sure there’s a reason for it somewhere.

rolls around the thread

@MoodyBats: I’m kind of wondering if I somehow disabled it by accident. XDD;;
It seemed more fluid when I first got it. Yfhbjjojreugrrr...

@MoodyBats: Meaning it is not very pressure sensitive at all. XD;;
It might be a setting I can change somewhere in the tablet options. :3

@MoodyBats: About as much as an elephant, apparently. Maybe it’s a device issue, hm...

@MoodyBats: Trying to figure out how everyone makes their lines so nicely in art,
and yet mine look like a trainwreck. LOL
Probably brush settings not jiving well with my tablet. Grrr...

Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Eee, Lucifer in your sig again.
Cute little slick bastard. XDD;;


@MoodyBats: Hey there, Batsy! How goes? :3

@Rallaa: I dunno, just a feeling. :3

My pipes froze, as well. I had no hot water for a little while, then it came back in the shower, but not on any of the sinks. So I have been washing my dishes in a tub in the tub. XDD;; Not sooo bad, but a little medieval feeling. LOL

I’m glad you were able to get some water from Mom, though. Too many people around here had the same issue, and I ended up using my tea kettle a lot to make hot water for cloth baths. Ugh.

And then in the next few days, it goes from single digits to like... 50s here. Screw New England. XDD;;

@Rallaa: Yay! Two people noticed. XD

How are you doing, love? You seemed kind of down.
Is there anything I can do? :3

@vengeance: Okay, now i’m here and you’re not. WTF. XDDD

@vengeance: I totally would. XD Sleep-posting, yep.

@vengeance: It’s true. Definitely not here. Nope. XD

Posted in Come get some birthday cake Posted 6 years ago


@vengeance: I’m a mirage. :p