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@vengeance: Ah, you designed those?
I wasn't sure if you did the clothes too, or just furnishings and house designs. :3

@vengeance: Oh wow, he's flashy. XD

@vengeance: Oh wow, you could buy everything. XDD;;
I keep buying commons for avatars and being poor again. LOL

@vengeance: Yeah, I think that's the majority of people. XDD;;

@vengeance: That's the best way to do it, though. Sales are awesome.

@vengeance: Yeah, but that's still tons! Pretty impressive. :3

Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@rallaa: Oh, I meant to tell you, they have matching stuff to go with the banana flasks I showed you at Target.
I found a baseball cap with banana horns.

I think they're onto us.

@vengeance: Haha, you must have literally everything by now. XD

@vengeance: That's nifty. :3
I think the last thing I got for the Sim aaageessss ago, was a pack of 80's type stuff.

@vengeance: Those types of walls would look cool in a really deep red. Or charcoal/black color. :3

@Rallaa: I used to make really grungy shit for Second Life. XDD;;
Really regal looking stuff, but really old looking. It looked pretty neat. People liked it a lot, but I haven't gone on there in years.
Nothing really.... happens. O_o;;

You can always use the leftover beer to roast chicken. :3

Blech. Really not feeling work today. x_x;;

@Rallaa: Hey there, you. How goes it? :3

@vengeance: LOLLLLL truth

Eating it anyway, though. :p

@vengeance: There would not be enough coffee in the world for that, lol.

goes to get the food he forgot in the microwave lol
for the third time