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@vengeance: ...Is that another term for a pretzel? XDD;;
... Because I totally just pictured the things people put in the woods for deer to lick, instead.

Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 6 years ago
REWIND by Minori Suzuki.

Posted in Intermission: Now Entering The Astral Plane Posted 6 years ago
Right? Sounds right up my alley, too!

I will do my best to check in when I can.

I think we are in for quite the ride.

Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 6 years ago
Zips by T.M.Revolution

You can't really go wrong with hot, buttered croissants.
Even if people hate them, they just keep eating them anyway. XDD;;

puts out some coffee and tasty buttered croissants

Aww, come on!
I was ready to make popcorn, and everything. XDD;;
just kidding, I don't even like popcorn

Uh-oh, I hear banjos playing in the distance. XDD;;
This might get FIESTY

@vengeance: Haha, I would give it to you anyway.
If I end up deciding on volts, it might take me a while to save that many.

@vengeance: It does seem proper, doesn't it?
Now I just have to think of one. XDD;;
I never anticipated getting the post count high enough on here to need one!

@vengeance: OH SNAP! I just noticed that. XDD;;
I've never had a hangout go that high before.

Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@Rallaa: That's good, though!
It will give them something to chew on for a while.
Maybe give the cult a boost, so we can buy more... uh... altars and candles and sh☆☆.

or whatever an actual cult would spend it's funds on

@vengeance: Sweet!
I think the last thing I bought on a trip was to Salem, so lots of cool stuff to be had there.
Most of it pretty inexpensive, too. thank god

@Another Movie Addict: Just means you have a lot of stuff to watch!

@vengeance: Neat! Did you see anything nifty where you were? :3