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Posted in Names A to Z Posted 7 years ago
Posted in A-Z: Halloween Edition Posted 7 years ago
Posted in A to Z Feelings & Emotions Posted 7 years ago
Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks! Posted 7 years ago
Caramel Apples.
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Russian, I believe. She is half maine coon, and half tiggity tigg. So she is BIG LADY. Short hair, though. Blizzard is all white and has way too many thumbs to be a real cat. She’s like an alien impersonating a cat, but they f☆☆☆ed it up. XDD;;

((Do I have to censor here, btw? Rating? I don’t want to frighten the little smol bebes.))
@Saeyra: I do, yes. I figured it was better to work when I was naturally awake, then to suffer forcefully every day through a day shift while a vampire. XD;; I have two kitties named Anja (“Ahn-ya”) and Blizzard, who i’m fairly certain is actually an alien.
@Saeyra: My kitty is here and she is being such a sweet baby. She curled right up next to me, all donut shaped and purring. What a little bub. <333 So tempting to sleep....nnnghhh.. but no we have to wait for the doctor’s office to open first. =_=;;
@Saeyra: Nope, fresh out. Might have to make a trip to the store. Or an orphanage. #goingstraightohekk #plzdontbanmelol

What is the item that the drink me bottle comes from? I vaguely recall a random DI grant that was alice themed, before everything here went all sideways and the blackout happened. D:
So I was right! Go get him guys! Let's make sure his creeping days are over!

Aha! Bad creeper!
@Saeyra: Wow, I am so freaking out of it, that I literally thought you wrote children soup. Dear lord. XDD;;; That’s how you know that you’re slightly “off,” is when you read something that wrong. =_=;;
@Saeyra: More than likely, and my throat is yucky. But my fiancé is way more sick than me, so i’m taking care of them first. Hopefully after we get sorted out there, it can be my turn. XD;; (If it’s not better by then, that is.)
@Saeyra: Haha! I totally would... if I had any. x______x;; Mostly hot tea and drinks, hopes and dreams, and delirium over here currently. ^^b So now i’m blastig really odd music in my headphones so I doubt make people really doubt my sanity.

even more
@Saeyra: O HAI. 8DD We’ll be much the same then. I’m running on no sleep, sickish, and have had way too much coffee. WHOO! XDD;;