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@vengeance: Thrifting is awesome. I have to travel quite far to do it, though.
@RainbowPanda: Me neither. One day, though! I will own all of them. >:3
@RainbowPanda: I do, they are freaking ADORABLE.
@Totalanimefan: Awww, you have a baby. <333
@Lithinel: I'll just grab onto posts as they fly by me. XDD;;
@vengeance: Pretty much. ^ XDD;;
@vengeance: How cryptic. NO ONE WILL EVER LEAVE. DUN DUN DUN....
@RainbowPanda: Thanks, I think i'll need it. XDD;;
@RainbowPanda: I don't know if I ever can. XDD;;;
Holy moly! I only left for a couple of minutes! Now i'm completely lost. @_x;;
@Totalanimefan: I'll be much better when they yank the sucker out, that's for sure! But I am (barely) surviving. x_x;;
Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread Posted 7 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: Candy was awesome! :3 It was my second favorite, after Angel. :3
Posted in Voltralitas: The Beautiful Lolitas of Voltra Posted 7 years ago
Updated the list with a few new commons, checking for more!
My new favorites are these ones. :3
Is it just me or there more super cute emojis now?
@RainbowPanda: I have an infected molar that needs to go. But they won't take it out unless i've been on antibiotics for a while first.
@timeandtimor: Thank you so much <33
@star2000shadow: Super cute avatar you have there. <33 love it