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Posted in Lock please Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: wow I just seen that I read that wrong maybe I should be wearing my glasses (man I'm so smart sometimes)
Boss- no worries just jump on in we don't mind ^^
Posted in Count to 1 million Posted 7 years ago
Dragoness- I get that I'm working on getting more my self ^^ maybe soon we can do one together ^^
Posted in Lock please Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: they are photo site that you can up load your photos to and they give you the url code and img code and things like that so you can add your pics online things like that.
Dragoness-Oh nice I might join more later on, I love roleplaying its just finding people to do it with me I have a few but not many xD
Dragoness- I might sign up for more later on but I really like the ones I have now lol :P
Dragoness- Alright thanks I just might look at it thank right now I'm only on here and sapherna and windlyn about it. xD
Posted in Lock please Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: hmm did you try added it to like tinypics or Photobucket or something like that ? xD
Dragoness- Oh nice what other sites are you on ? and I'm glad your having a good night :D
Posted in Lock please Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: nothing much just siting on here and listening to music about it. What about you?
@dragoness129: Same with me =P anyways only then pain hows your night going. ?
Yes someone after my own heart xD I love white chocolate ^^
I'm the same way lol all but the ones with nuts in them I can't have those but I love all the others. xD