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Lilith DemonQueen

Lilith's Avatar

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It's a really good sound and it's from one of my favourite bands


Welcome to my profile I'm Lilith.
I am a Canadian.
My Loved ones mean the world to me.

Taken <3
mule account is Mulan


  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    hey tis ok c: glad to see you back ^O^

  • KimmiChan1989 KimmiChan1989 (7 years ago)

    Miss you ;3; Hope you will be back soon

  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    otay ^O^

  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    also I figured if youd wanna start us off in the story I could follow c:

  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    since I don't remember much from the game I figured mt character can be new to town and as we go along ill learn everything.

  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    Yeah I just posted my character c: sorry though, ive been so laggy on here


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