Lilmisskushy's posts
Posted in Trading orb and crate items for Art
Posted 3 years ago
@milkshake: aww thank you so much .. he is a little darling I just love him ^.^
@koah: oh yes please that be great :D I'm sure it will turn out just as adorable
@kent: me too I have another one he's a black Syrian I will post pics of him when I get some good ones .. I'm sure you could :D
@koah: oh yes please that be great :D I'm sure it will turn out just as adorable
@kent: me too I have another one he's a black Syrian I will post pics of him when I get some good ones .. I'm sure you could :D

Posted in Trading orb and crate items for Art
Posted 3 years ago
I'd like my little hamster jelly-bean drew for me .. can anyone draw me the chubbiest fluffiest squishiest jelly-bean.. will trade with any items you need off my selling post :D or if you would prefer volts that's fine too

Posted in Jelly-bean
Posted 3 years ago
@pelontrix: yes your right I did mean that I thought it was the same thing xD
Where I live it wouldn't be fair for me to have a cat because I couldn't let it out.. my sisters cat got ran over on the busy road at the side of my house .. maybe some day in the future when I move.
My first dog was a Pitbull and it hated cats and we owned cats .. but my dad's friend died and he didn't want his dog going to someone that would fight him so he told my dad to bring it round to me .. so I owned my first Pitbull at 13 and he would chase all the cats out.. and every day for a week my mum would tap her finger on his head when he eyeballed her cats and she would say "don't you touch my cats" after about a week she came in from shopping and there was my big pit lying curled up with my 2 cats and 3 of the neighbours cats on the other sofa sleeping xD my mum was like "I said not to touch my cats.. I didn't say let the whole bloody streets cats in you big shite hawk" 🤣🤣 my dog this time round isn't used to having cats around .. he would nev r hurt them he just grabs them from the back and tries to hump them then they want to claw his eyeballs out XD
Here's the cat humper
Where I live it wouldn't be fair for me to have a cat because I couldn't let it out.. my sisters cat got ran over on the busy road at the side of my house .. maybe some day in the future when I move.
My first dog was a Pitbull and it hated cats and we owned cats .. but my dad's friend died and he didn't want his dog going to someone that would fight him so he told my dad to bring it round to me .. so I owned my first Pitbull at 13 and he would chase all the cats out.. and every day for a week my mum would tap her finger on his head when he eyeballed her cats and she would say "don't you touch my cats" after about a week she came in from shopping and there was my big pit lying curled up with my 2 cats and 3 of the neighbours cats on the other sofa sleeping xD my mum was like "I said not to touch my cats.. I didn't say let the whole bloody streets cats in you big shite hawk" 🤣🤣 my dog this time round isn't used to having cats around .. he would nev r hurt them he just grabs them from the back and tries to hump them then they want to claw his eyeballs out XD
Here's the cat humper

Posted in Jelly-bean
Posted 3 years ago
@pelontrix: yes I love all rodents they're all so adorable :D so sorry to hear that .. where I used to live some people hated that everyone's cats would be in their gardens or bins and they would poison meat with de icer for cars .. disgusting .. hopefully it was just a natural cause so she didn't suffer .. I love cats but my dog is a big brute and he tries to dominate them by humping them or id probably have cats as well xD
I love snails so many different species .. I will gather some pics up of mine and do another forum post so you can get your snail fix haha
I love snails so many different species .. I will gather some pics up of mine and do another forum post so you can get your snail fix haha

Posted in Jelly-bean
Posted 3 years ago
@pelontrix: hey there .. very sorry to hear about your cat.. unfortunately they will go to who ever feeds them the most and sometimes dogs/cats will run away to die if they're sick .. hopefully ur cat is being fed and treated like a king/queen.. I have 2 hamsters 2 budgies a dog and 21 giant African land snails .. I did have 2 corn snakes but I gave one to my best friend and one to my dad.. they weren't really mine I was the middle man of a deal that didn't work out to I kept them until I found them new homes .. I'd of kept them on if I didn't have hamsters but hamsters were here first lol

Posted in Jelly-bean
Posted 3 years ago
Can't remember if I showed you jelly-bean when I got him .. I probably did because he's just too cute not to share with you guys xD I just love him .. my animals help me with my anxiety and such.. jelly-bean is just such an affectionate little Chap .. I just let him out on the bed and let him run about the room.. I call him and he comes back to me .. he loves rolling about my hair and the hood of my hoodies and likes to sit in my pockets ... He just has to hear my voice in the morning and he runs straight out wanting me to hold him and let him out💙

Posted in Oh boy i haven't been here in a while!
Posted 3 years ago
@vivec:your very welcome

Posted in Oh boy i haven't been here in a while!
Posted 3 years ago
@lordvehk: welcome back :) and congratulations on ur new job and laptop

Posted in ♘ MLP - Art Shop♞ ❣OPEN!!!❣
Posted 3 years ago
@yukithepanda: aww I'm sure they miss you too I hope you get in contact with them .. I think everyone loves MLP art .. there's just that many great artists on here like yourself it's probably hard to choose .. keep making posts .. it's also been quiet on here too .. I'm sure it will pick up again :)

Posted in Close please :)
Posted 3 years ago
2 counting sheep-5k each
1 devil's food cake-11k
2 femme fatale-5k
2 hard boiled detectives -5keach
1 love bites-5k
6 queen of pentacles-5k each
1 Rowdy-5k
2 vampyr-5k each
1 wind rider-5k
1 enchanted by you-5k
4 pole dancer-5k each
4 cozy winters-3k each
1 90's grunge-12k
1 alchemist-3k
1 crystallized-3k
3 emerald-3k each
2 garnet-11k each
6 gems of wonder-9k each
2 goober-3k
1 how ya doin-3k
1 moonstone-3k
1 much mushroom-3k
4 sunrise breakfast-1.5k each
3 topaz-2.5k each
6 torquoise-3k each
1 starlight pine-7k
2 Mari lwyd- 11k each
2 winter knight- 13k each
2 snow owl-11k each
2 counting sheep-5k each
1 devil's food cake-11k
2 femme fatale-5k
2 hard boiled detectives -5keach
1 love bites-5k
6 queen of pentacles-5k each
1 Rowdy-5k
2 vampyr-5k each
1 wind rider-5k
1 enchanted by you-5k
4 pole dancer-5k each
4 cozy winters-3k each
1 90's grunge-12k
1 alchemist-3k
1 crystallized-3k
3 emerald-3k each
2 garnet-11k each
6 gems of wonder-9k each
2 goober-3k
1 how ya doin-3k
1 moonstone-3k
1 much mushroom-3k
4 sunrise breakfast-1.5k each
3 topaz-2.5k each
6 torquoise-3k each
1 starlight pine-7k
2 Mari lwyd- 11k each
2 winter knight- 13k each
2 snow owl-11k each

Posted in Lock please :)
Posted 3 years ago
@ruby: awk thanks so much ☺️

Posted in Lock please :)
Posted 3 years ago
@ruby: love ur avatar 😍

Posted in Lock please :)
Posted 3 years ago
@fizzgig: yeah sure hun let me send a wee trade

Posted in Lock please :)
Posted 3 years ago
2 counting sheep-5k each
1 devil's food cake-12k
2 femme fatale-5k
2 hard boiled detectives -5keach
1 love bites-5k
6 queen of pentacles-5k each
1 Rowdy-5k
2 vampyr-5k each
1 wind rider-5k
1 enchanted by you-5k
4 pole dancer-5k each
1 90's grunge-13k
1 alchemist-
1 crystallized-3k
3 emerald-3k each
2 garnet-12k each
6 gems of wonder-10k each
2 goober-
1 how ya doin-
1 moonstone-
1 much mushroom-
4 sunrise breakfast-1.5k each
3 topaz-2.5k each
6 torquoise-3k each
1 starlight pine-7k
2 Mari lwyd- 12k each
1 winter knight- 15k or trade for winter spirit
2 counting sheep-5k each
1 devil's food cake-12k
2 femme fatale-5k
2 hard boiled detectives -5keach
1 love bites-5k
6 queen of pentacles-5k each
1 Rowdy-5k
2 vampyr-5k each
1 wind rider-5k
1 enchanted by you-5k
4 pole dancer-5k each
1 90's grunge-13k
1 alchemist-
1 crystallized-3k
3 emerald-3k each
2 garnet-12k each
6 gems of wonder-10k each
2 goober-
1 how ya doin-
1 moonstone-
1 much mushroom-
4 sunrise breakfast-1.5k each
3 topaz-2.5k each
6 torquoise-3k each
1 starlight pine-7k
2 Mari lwyd- 12k each
1 winter knight- 15k or trade for winter spirit